Massachusetts Bay Colony By: Shaele and Katie Founded in 1630 Founded by Pilgrims and Puritans
First People Massachusetts. Nawset, and Wampanoag Indians settled lands first Wampanoag before settlers arrived. Great Sachem was the most powerful Wampanoag leader. Sachems ruled under him. Between people lived in each Wampanoag village. There houses were wooden domes and covered by woven mats or bark. Men hunted deer, wolves, bears, and other animals. They gathered fish and shellfish. Women gathered squash, corn, and beans. Wampanoag lived near the Atlantic coast in the spring. 1600s Europeans explored Massachusetts area. European illnesses killed half the Wampanoag.
Early Settlers 1600s English laws forced people to follow the English laws and church of England. 1600s English laws forced people to follow the English laws and church of England. Pilgrims were unhappy with the laws and the church so they left for Holland and then decided to travel to North America. Pilgrims were unhappy with the laws and the church so they left for Holland and then decided to travel to North America. They set sail in September 1620 on the Speedwell and the Mayflower. They set sail in September 1620 on the Speedwell and the Mayflower. Reached America in November called Plymouth Colony because the ship was blown off course. In 1620 was a hard winter. Reached America in November called Plymouth Colony because the ship was blown off course. In 1620 was a hard winter. Half of the colonists died from sickness or lack of food. Half of the colonists died from sickness or lack of food. In March an American Indian named Squanto came to Plymouth. In March an American Indian named Squanto came to Plymouth. Squanto taught the pilgrims how to grow crops, how to fish. Squanto taught the pilgrims how to grow crops, how to fish.
Early Settlers 1630 Puritans settled near Plymouth. Most Massachusetts colonists spent the day working on the farm and on Sunday they went to church that lasted most of the day. After church the colonists would go to a park called the town common. The houses colonists lived in were one room with a large fireplace and low ceilings. Windows were covered with cloth or wood because glass was too expensive. Men cleared forests while women spun plants called flax into linen to make clothes. Girls cooked, cleaned, and sewed at an early stage. Boys helped their fathers farm and care for animals. Puritans cooked and cleaned and took care of children government passed a school law and was the first public school in America. The school required towns with more than 50 families to build a school.
Colony Life Girls learned reading, sewing and some math. Girls learned reading, sewing and some math. Boys learned how to read, languages, science and math, and history. Boys learned how to read, languages, science and math, and history. This prepared some boys for college. This prepared some boys for college. Massachusetts first settlers were farmers. Massachusetts first settlers were farmers. The farmers grew vegetables, raised cattle to feed their families. The farmers grew vegetables, raised cattle to feed their families. The people began looking for new jobs around other than farming. The people began looking for new jobs around other than farming. Fishers became wealthy from codfish. Fishers became wealthy from codfish. In the 1600s a pattern of trade began in the colonies. In the 1600s a pattern of trade began in the colonies. Colonists got molasses from the Caribbean islands from the West Indies. Colonists got molasses from the Caribbean islands from the West Indies. Rum was traded for slaves. Rum was traded for slaves.
Colony Life In 1700s Boston Massachusetts colonist did not have slaves. In 1700s Boston Massachusetts colonist did not have slaves. There were no large farms In the southern colonies. There were no large farms In the southern colonies. Some families had indentured servants. Some families had indentured servants. The Agriculture export was wool. The Agriculture export was wool.
Exports The colonies Industrial exports were ships and iron. The colonies Industrial exports were ships and iron. Their natural Resource Exports were fish and timber products Their natural Resource Exports were fish and timber products Their agricultural exports were wool. Their agricultural exports were wool.
Community and Religion All rules and activities were shaped by Puritan beliefs. All rules and activities were shaped by Puritan beliefs. Puritans lived by strict rules at the church. Puritans lived by strict rules at the church. Every one went to church on Sunday. Every one went to church on Sunday. Children who fell asleep in church were hit in the head with a stick. Children who fell asleep in church were hit in the head with a stick. Men couldn’t have long hair or kiss in public. Men couldn’t have long hair or kiss in public. People were fined or whipped for breaking the rules. People were fined or whipped for breaking the rules. Parties for building barns and houses were common. Parties for building barns and houses were common.
Community and Religion Men- worked to raise a building frame. Men- worked to raise a building frame. Women- spent day cooking a meal. Women- spent day cooking a meal. People disagreed with the Puritan life, Puritans did not let other religions in their group. People disagreed with the Puritan life, Puritans did not let other religions in their group. People who disagreed with Puritans left or were thrown out of Massachusetts. People who disagreed with Puritans left or were thrown out of Massachusetts. Women were not allowed to wear lace. Women were not allowed to wear lace.
Becoming a State Massachusetts colonists governed themselves for 54 years. In 1684 King James the 2 of England took away the Puritans power. Colonists wanted independence back. In 1700s Britain fought France for more land Britain won. Britain taxed the colonist on paper, sugar, and tea. Colonists were upset about the taxes. The colonists threw ship loads of tea in the Boston Harbor. Called the Boston tea party. King Gorge the 3 punished the colonists for the Boston tea party. People helped the colonists by sending them supplies the colonists sent representatives to the continental congress.
Becoming a State King George 3 would not give in. Britain and the Colonists had a war. Congress passed declaration of Independence in July America won the war in 1783.
Statehood The Nations leaders wrote the United States Constitution in That created U.S. government. Massachusetts approved the Constitution on February 6,1788. They became the 6 th State in the U.S.
Interesting Facts Location - New England Products - Timber and wool Major Industries - Fishing, shipbuilding, and ironworks Population - 338,667 people in 1776 Statehood - 6 th state in February 6 th, 1788