US History Exploration and Colonization Overview
Pequot War First Serious armed conflict between the Native Americans settlers of New England. Numerous previous conflicts over property, damage to Indian fields, hunting and dishonest trade dealings. The Pequot were outgunned, a smallpox epidemic had also weakened the tribe. 1637, the Pequot leader Sassacus is captured, main village destroyed and the Pequot were finished.
The Causes of European Exploration Lack of central government Religious intolerance Famine Foreign invaders Disease Gold, God, Glory Chaos in Europe during the Bubonic Plague in the 1400s
Rise of England as an Exploration power They had a huge on going rivalry with Spain at the time. If Spain was there so were they. The English were lured by the idea of free land. After Virginia was established, they had a huge cash-crop of tobacco. John Rolfe turned it from a financial failure Particularly in the south, they used a system of African slavery.
Main differences of the Spanish, French and English Colonies French Nicest Traded with Native Americans Married with them Settled in Quebec and Louisiana. English They treated the Native Americans the worst. Had the most Land Tobacco was their main crop Spanish Mexico and Central America Hostile relationship with Native Americans They had a social system which you could not move up in.
Main Characteristics of the New England, Middle and Southern Colonies New England Dense forest, rolling hills, and short growing season Mostly puritans Very cold winter, short summer Middle Colonies Pennsylvania, New York, New jersey, Delaware, and Maryland Catholic, Quakers, Baptist, Angelicans, Dutch Reformed, German Reformed, and Jewish. Hot summer, Cold winter Southern Colonies Puritans, Angelicans
Bacon’s Rebellion 1675 – war erupted between the Indians and the settler’s in the Potomac Valley. The settler’s rebelled under Nathaniel Bacon Bacon’s men killed like it was their job, this was taken well by the poppulation September 1676 – they drove out the governor and burnt the town A month later bacon died of disease, and so did his rebellion
Headright System 1619 – anyone who paid for passage to Virginia received 50 acres of land. This enabled the wealthiest colonist to acquire a large plantation. To work those plantations land owners imported worker’s from England. This caused the population to grow.
King Philip’s War 1675 – a massive Indian rebellion erupted Colonist called it King Philip's war Metacom (King Philip) lead an armed resistance against the English in New England It was one of the bloodiest confrontations between Europeans and Native Americans. 600 colonists and 3,000 Indians died. Colonist won, Indian allies of the English captured and killed Metacom
House of Burgesses 1619 – The first representative body in colonial America. Male landowners over 17 voted for 2 Burgesses to represent their settlement. Power to make laws and raise taxes. It started a tradition of Representative Government in the English Colonies.
Joint Stock Company First, they obtain a charter from the king. Then, business founded and run by a group of investors The investors were to share in the company’s profits and losses
Mercantilism A nation or empire could build wealth and power by developing It’s industries And manufacturing goods in exchange for gold and silver. This policy encouraged monarchs to minimize imports from rival empires.
Navigation Acts Only English ships with English sailors could trade with English Colonies. Valuable colonial goods like tobacco and sugar could only be shipped to the mother country Colonial ships were free to take their products elsewhere Finally, the colonies had to import all European goods via An English port, and paid custom’s duties. they promoted the nation’s prosperity
Triangular Trade 1700s – trade formed connecting English, it’s colonies, and West Africa. Raw Materials were brought from North America to Europe. Manufactured goods were sent to West Africa from Europe Enslaved Africans were sent from West Africa to North America.
Salutary Neglect England allowed it’s colonies local self rule. In return they expected colonial cooperation with It’s economic policies It also expected assistance int eh empire’s wars against France and Spain
Great Awakening Also known as the enlightenment Religious movements in the mid 18 th century It was a time when evangelical preacher’s traveled from town to town They gave emotion packed sermons 100s to 1000s or people came to hear the sermons
Puritans and Separatists Puritans – the wanted to purify the church of England, or Anglican church, the only official and legal church in England. They believed the Anglican church retained too many ceremonies from the Catholic church Separatist – They began their own churches
Mayflower Compact It was signed in 1620 The settlers agreed to form a government, and obey it’s laws. This idea of self-government later became on of the founding principles of the U.S.