Chapter 2
After execution of Charles I, Rump Parliament voted to abolish Monarchy & House of Lords Established the COMMONWEALTH which made England a republic Rump Parliament was backed by the Roundhead Army, who attacked anyone who refused to support the Commonwealth Ireland & Scotland were both problems (Royalists) Parliament sends an army under OLIVER CROMWELL to both countries He defeats his enemies in both countries in brutal battles THE COMMONWEALTH
CROMWELL lost patience with Rump Parliament as they refuse to hold an election unless they are guaranteed their seats CROMWELL marches into parliament with troops, & forces members out CROMWELL becomes LORD PROTECTOR (or military dictator) of England He divides the country into districts & instils strict Blue Laws LORD PROTECTOR
Oliver would hate the dictator he became He dies in 1658 & his son, RICHARD, attempt to rule with no success & resigns The attempt to be a republican govt. fails LORD PROTECTOR
After Cromwell’s death, long parliament is recalled to dissolve itself & have a new election New parliament decides to bring back the monarchy & House of Lords in 1660 CHARLES II takes the throne THE RESTORATION
The decision makes England happy, but parliament insists he rule as a constitutional monarch Like father, like son though! Charles tried to be sneaky (bribery, blackmail) & gain supporters,to regain absolutism but nothing came of his efforts. Political parties formed: “TORIES” (royal supporters) & “WHIGS” (opponents of Catholic monarchy) Overturns Blue Laws and entertainment is restored. THE RESTORATION THE MONARCH IS BROUGHT BACK
Charles returns life in England to the way it was before Commonwealth Charles tries to protect religious freedom of Catholics Parliament passes the TEST ACT to make Church of England supreme & limit Catholic jobs Charles II dies in 1685, & he is succeeded by his Catholic brother JAMES II THE RESTORATION
Replacing Charles II with James II is a problem as James is openly Catholic & England is mainly anti-Catholic at this point James wants England to be Catholic again & gives Catholics high jobs despite the TEST ACT James II also believes in Divine Right of Kings His support quickly disappears & rebellions start James begins a reign of terror- ordering execution of any suspected rebels THE GLORIOUS REVOLUTION (NOTES)
Parliament is upset with the King & create a solution Parliament invites Mary (James’ protestant daughter) & her husband William of Orange to be Queen & King James & his supporters eventually leave; he abdicates his throne Why so “glorious?”… the 1 st time the monarch was chosen by parliament & divine right was dead Mary & William agree to a new Bill of Rights proving parliament is the main govt. GLORIOUS REVOLUTION (NOTES)
Group questions as explained by teachers with laptops. You will be presenting/explaining/teaching your answers to the class as part of our chapter review. You will be marked on how successfully you teach your concepts to the class! ASSIGNMENT