Herodethe fast horse in the rodeo. I can’t run fast but I can talk! Look at my roses!
I bon es! I will share. I want one of ice cream th o s e like cones.
I the bubble doesn’t pop! hope
Did you see twelve those alligators? Thos e,e,e,e,nose,ros e,e,e,e,and rhyme. h ose
Which one is your favorite rose?e?
I you can catch the cow with that ! so, too! hoep rope hope I
I learn new things when I read. You have to turn the s to find out what is in a book. I like this. p a ge joke What is a cat’s favorite color? purr-ple
All plants need water. You can use a can or a hose.e.
What is the of the oldest dog? His was 29 years, 6 months, and 12 days. age age
What do you get if you cross a collie with a ro s e?e? You You get a collie – flower! cauliflower I like that joke!e!
There is a ladybug on the dog’s n oe.e. s An elephant’s is called a trunk. n o s e My is long! n os e
The s tell them what sounds to make. n o te