Interesting Insects All About Bugs!
Check out the bugs below! Butterfly Ladybug Bee Dragonfly
Butterflies Butterflies are found on all continents except for Antarctica. There are over 12,000 different types of butterflies! Butterflies only have a life span of about 2 weeks. Some butterflies are poisonous. The Maryland state insect is the Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly.
Butterflies Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly Monarch Butterfly Blue Morpho ButterflyPurple Spotted Swallowtail
Ladybugs There are about 5,000 different types of species of ladybugs in the world! Depending on the species, ladybugs can have spots or stripes. A ladybug can eat about 5,000 insects in their lifetime! Ladybugs can live in a variety of habitats such as grasslands, forests, and even cities!
Ladybugs Pink Spotted Ladybug Seven-spotted Ladybug Asian Lady Beetle
Bees Bees live all over the world and can live in almost every environment. Bees drink nectar and eat pollen. Bees can even communicate with each other! They use chemicals, visual signs, and vibrations of their wings to talk to one another. Bees only sting in order to protect themselves.
Bees Bumble Bee Yellow Jacket Hornet
Dragonflies Dragonflies have 6 legs, 2 very large eyes, and 2 pairs of wings. Dragonflies can be many colors such as blue, yellow, red, and green. There are over 56 different types of dragonflies. Dragonflies can be found all over the world and tend to live in freshwater. Dragonflies enjoy eating aquatic insects, tadpoles, mosquitoes, and aphids.
Dragonflies Yellow Winged Darter Emperor Dragonfly Black Tailed Skimmer