Summary of the EDG review Some info for the next future of the WP1 software Massimo Sgaravatto INFN Padova.


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Presentation transcript:

Summary of the EDG review Some info for the next future of the WP1 software Massimo Sgaravatto INFN Padova

Final EDG Review Date: February 19-20, 2004 Agenda ( Status of the project (Gagliardi) Software integration, deployment and evaluation (Loomis) Application assessment WP8, WP9, WP10 talks Dissemination and Quality Assurance WP11 and QAG talks Demos WP8 (Alice), WP9, WP10 demos Using the EDG application testbed (EDG rel. 2.1) WP1 demo DAGMan (considering a CMS application) demonstrated Using the WP1 testbed (rel 3 of WP1 sw, not deployed in the EDG appl. testbed) Problem with the WP8 demo (not seen by the reviewers)

Final EDG Review Agenda (cont.) Middleware developments WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP7, SecGroup talks Conclusions Technical summary (Laure) Project summary (Gagliardi) Feedback of reviewers Happy with the achievements of the project Agree that it was needed to put aside certain developments for the overall priorities of the project and to meet the application needs Comments and recommendations Care should be taken to keep the core group of sw developers engaged in future projects Keep the AWG running Importance of contributing aggressively to standardization groups

EDG future New (final) EDG release sw under preparation Basically should be only bug fixes Deadline to release RPMS: yesterday Should be deployed in the EDG appl. testbed on March, 15 EDG CVS repository open until April 30, 2004 Bugzilla will remain open until April 30, 2004 as well At that point it will be frozen, all open bugs will be closed with a "Won't Fix" status, and the database archived

WP1 software Will be migrated to the INFN (CNAF) CVS server (managed by A. Ferraro & A. Caltroni) The migration already started Copy of CVS workload module (with all history) from EDG CVS server in Lyon ‘workload’ Lyon already read-only Setting of user accounts Daily backups have been assured … Mirror CVS CESNET Then merge between head (rel 2) and DAGMan branch (rel 3) Should be completed by March, 19

LCG support LCG decided to fully control the software deployed in the LCG infrastructure (LCG uses on the EDG open source software) Deployed software maintained in a CVS server under LCG control Initially copied from the EDG CVS server LCG controls exactly what gets changed Only LCG commits to this CVS repository LCG operates a bugtracking system in Savannah completely unrelated with the EDG bugzilla

LCG support First line of support provided by LCG They try to fix bugs Second line of support: contact persons for key packages contacted on LCG request Key packages and contact persons VDT: funded to support LCG EDG WP1: M. Sgaravatto EDG WP2: J. Casey Glue Schema: S. Andreozzi VOMS: INFN dCache: DESY Anyone interested in changes that LCG makes to the code can subscribe to the CVS change notification ML of the LCG repository LCG would like to receive release notes of changes applied by the original developers to the original code