Topic 5 – Contrasting Coasts GCSE Unit 1 Revision
Coastal Processes What are the main processes that occur at the coast?
Do you know the definitions? Erosion (hydraulic action, abrasion …) Transportation (Longshore drift) Deposition Weathering (Freeze thaw) Mass movement (rotational slumping)
Practice question Draw a labelled diagram to show how material is transported along the coastline. (4 marks)
What are the strengths and weaknesses of this answer? Is it worth 4 marks?
Erosional Features Watch the clip, writing the names of landforms you hear. (Do you need reminding what a coastal landform is?!!!) stal-erosion-and-landforms/9966.html
Formation of Sea Stacks Explain how sea stacks form using the words below. Erosion, cave, arch, stack You could also include: Weakness, stump
Depositional Features Watch the clip. Afterwards, you will need to draw a labelled sketch of how spits form. e-formation-of-spits/3246.htmlhttp:// e-formation-of-spits/3246.html
Formation of a spit
Coastal Management Draw the table: Watch the clip and fill in the table to compare the 2 locations’ management. management-strategies-sea-defences-and- managed-retreat/3243.htmlhttp:// management-strategies-sea-defences-and- managed-retreat/3243.html PorlockMinehead
Coastal Management What is the meaning of and advantages and disadvantages of…? 1.Managed Retreat 2.Soft Engineering 3.Hard Engineering