By:Will F. Taber and Connor Marshall lazy plant1 (la1), WT, CCM,
LazyPlant1 This is our mutant Lazy plant1 or la1
Other “Lazy” Mutants Corn plants are not the only plant that can have the lazy mutation Other plants (tomato, poppy, Fritillaries, & daffodils) have mutations that make the plants look lazy.
Facts From the 16 seeds we planted, one did not grow. Our plant seemed to react differently depending on where the light source is coming from. The la1 mutants do not start to show their “lazy” trait until the 8 th leaf stage. The mode of inheritance of la1 is recessive. ORIGINAL REFERENCE: (1931) MT Jenkins & F Gerhardt. A gene influencing the composition of the culm in maize. Iowa Agric Exp Stn Res Bull 138:
The growth of our plant was very good and everything went as planned. The mutant phenotype was easy to see. Week 1:Our biggest plant was 55mm tall. Week 7:Most of our plants were at there 8 th leaf stage. Lazy plant is flopping over
Name: lazy plant1 (la1) Locus:Chromosome 4 (linkage map bin 4.03) Field placard by: Connor Marshall & Will Taber Middle School Mentorship, Fall 2004 School of Arts and Sciences Leon County Charter School Tallahassee, FL Field placard
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