Catalyst 1. Complete the diagnostic reflection sheet that you picked up on your way into class.
Diagnostic Results Average score for the entire 11 th grade: 12.7
Lecture 1.1 – Introduction to the Atom
How do we annotate texts in Chemistry?
Symbols for Annotation In chemistry, anytime you are reading a text, you should use the following symbols ? = Question I Have = Vocab. Word I Know = Vocab. Word I Don’t Know ! = Important Fact/Info = Connection to Other Material
Mercury Poisoning Reading Complete the reading with your table You must answer all questions
Unit 1 – Atomic Theory and the Periodic Table Death by Element
Aluminum Experiment Take out the handout Lab 1 – How Small is an Aluminum Atom? Complete this lab with a partner. Turn into the bin when completed.
It takes 31 cuts to get to the size of the atom! It is mm!
CutsSize (mm)Reference 0280N/A 1140Child's hand 270Fingers 335Watch 417.5Keyboard keys Poppy seeds Thread Human Hair Width of paper Bacteria Visible light waves E-05Membranes E-07Size of the atom!
Lecture 1.1 – Introduction to the Atom
Today’s Learning Target LT 1.1 – I can identify the size, location, and mass of the three subatomic particles found in the atom.
How do chemists characterize the atom?
I. Size of the Atom The atom has a diameter between 0.1 – 0.5 nm Point of reference: A basketball has a diameter of 234,500,000 nm
II. Three Types of Subatomic Particles All atoms contain the following subatomic particles: 1.Protons 2.Neutrons 3.Electrons
III. Protons Protons are found in the nucleus of an atom. The nucleus is located in the center of the atom. Protons have a positive charge. We say that their charge is +1
IV. Neutrons Neutrons are found in the nucleus of an atom. Neutrons do not have a charge. They are neutral James Chadwick discovered the neutron in 1932!
V. Mass of Protons and Neutrons Protons and neutrons have the same mass. Each subatomic particle has a mass of 1 amu. – amu = atomic mass unit
VI. Electrons Electrons are found in the electron cloud. The electron cloud surrounds the nucleus of an atom. Electrons have a -1 charge
VII. Mass of Electrons Electrons have a mass that is amu. Electrons do not contribute to the weight of an atom.
Construct Your Own Atom Using the construction paper provided, create a model of the atom with your table. You will present this in 20 minutes
Exit Ticket Subatomic Particle SizeChargeLocation Proton Neutron Electron
Learning Log After each learning target, we will
Rate Yourself Based on the exit ticket and your current level of understanding, rate yourself 1 – 4 on LT 1.1
Closing Time No homework!