The Quasi - Open Pit Methods Mnge 315 ©Dr. B. C. Paul spring 2003
Open Pit Mines In some senses all forms of surface mines are open pits Strip Mines tend to refer to coal operations with some very significant differences from open pits in the metal/ industrial mineral sense Quarries also tend to be unique subset Placer and dredge operations also unique subset
Classic Open Pit Characterized by a series of stair-step like benches that each act as a working area Pit shapes tend to be more configured to geology of the deposit more than equipment needs/convenience Many pits are ovals Fits the geometry of disseminated metal deposits Pits tend to be wider relative to length Pits tend not to move like strip mine – pit develops in place
Differences not Necessarily Simple Working Benches were encountered in “Strip Mines” Advance benches using trucks and shovels developing ahead of dragline Multiple coal seams may need a bench for each Contour haulback operations often had benches lined up with layers of concern Mountain Top Removal can be developed as truck shovel benches Local and Industry Specific Word Usage Coal people like to “strip” mine Metals/Industrial Minerals people like to “Open Pit” Aggregate people like to Quarry
Terrace Pit Mining Add Picture Note that all characterized by benches – often set up on truck shovel equipment Working heights. Can also be used with multi-seam coal mining
Factors Controlling Terrace Pit Bench Heights are often controlled by the digging height of the shovel In past drill accuracy limits have been important Benches often give more gradual over-all slope Dragline highwall is mostly angle of repose May need a specific bench width to provide working room – smaller over-all slope to highwall
More Terrace Pit Control Trucks and Shovels often control OB movement rather than draglines Dragline has limited boom length – favors narrow pits Trucks and Shovels need room for equipment to drive across without getting tangled up or caught on steep slope Tends to favor wider pits Need for ramps tends to favor shorter pits rather than having long moving range like dragline
Dipping Thick Coal Seams Common in Western part of U.S. for coal
Mining on the Strike or the Dip Area Strip mines Dragline moves down the strike with pickup and dump sequence moving down dip Conspicuously advances down dip
Mining Down the Strike Contour Haulback schemes Overburden movement is along the strike Add picture
Coal Terrace Pits With relatively flat seam overburden moves across the dip With steeper dip overburden movement tends to be down strike Even possible to have full pit width developed at once with contour mine like advance
Evolving to True Open Pit Benches advance down the dip Pit length is limited for manageable network of truck haul roads Overburden is not deposited in the same pit Hauled to a distinct and separate pit along the strike Phosphate Operations mine dipping phosphorous rich limestones that way
Note the Distinct Feature Pit is developed out to its stripping ratio limit leaving the pit open the entire time Only at end of the pit life is the pit backfilled Geometry and Equipment limitations in hardrock and industrial minerals defies a workable concurrent reclamation in the SMCRA sense One reasons the law was only applied to coal