Plot A Story’s Building Blocks Elements of Literature 1st Course By John Leggett
Plot Plot is what happens in a story. Most plots have four parts that are like building blocks.
Basic Situation Complications Climax Resolution
Basic Situation The first block tells you about the story’s basic situation. Who are the characters? This is usually where you discover the conflict. There are two types of conflict Internal External
Complications In the second part of a plot, one or more of the characters act to resolve the conflict. Now, a series of events takes place that make it very difficult for the character to get what he wants (complications).
Climax The climax is the story’s most emotional or suspenseful moment. This is the point in which the conflict is decided one way or another.
Resolution The resolution is the last part of the story. This is where the loose ends of the plot are tied up and the story is closed.
Internal Conflict Internal conflict takes place in a character’s mind.
External Conflict In an external conflict a character struggles against another person, group of people, or a force of nature.
Foreshadow To make us feel suspense, storytellers give us clues that foreshadow, or hint at future events.