Heart rate & Heart Rate Monitors
I am someone who needs options to develop good habits
Goal: Change your routine, do it hard enough and do it often enough
Challenge: Inactivity is a cycle
You may not really know how hard to work and how much activity you need
Recommended amounts of activity *Children and Adolescents (aged 6–17) Children and adolescents should do 1 hour (60 minutes) or more of physical activity every day. Most of the 1 hour or more a day of activity should be either moderate- to vigorous physical activity. MVPA
Perceived versus measured
1 How do we gauge exertion? E.g. sweating, breathing hard
How to use a heart rate monitor and what does it tell you.
Resting versus active
Dangers of over-exertion
Coming up with a plan
Many different kinds of activities
Keeping a record
Becoming more fit