3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 1 Bethany\Harrison County, Missouri
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 2 Community Development Analysis For Bethany\Harrison County, Missouri 2007 Bethany Area Chamber of Commerce and Dr. David O’Brien’s Graduate Survey Research Class University of Missouri – Columbia Contact:
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 3 Overview Of Presentation 1.Purpose and Methods 2.Demographics 3.Quality of Services 4.Quality of Life 5.Perceptions of the Economy 6.Where Citizens Shop and Why 7.Community Development Goals
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 4 Purpose How do different people view Community Development needs of Bethany\Harrison County.
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 5 Methods Sample: N=209 Business and Churches: n= 60 Low Income: n=27 General Population: n=122
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 6 Demographics Gender of Respondents
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 7 Demographics Age Distribution of Respondents
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 8 Demographics Household Income of Respondents
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 9 Demographics Employment Location of Respondents
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 10 Demographics Types of Membership: What groups do people belong to?
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 11 Quality of Services How satisfied are the residents of Bethany/Harrison county with the services that they receive in the area? Possible Responses: 1 = Very Dissatisfied 2 = Dissatisfied 3 = Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied 4 = Satisfied 5 = Very Satisfied
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 12 Quality of Services ServiceAverage Economic development/Finding New Sources of Employment2.6 Entertainment2.7 Alcohol/drug treatment/counseling services2.8 Planning/Zoning for land use2.9 mental health counseling and support services3 Crisis intervention services3.1 Job retraining3.1 Town Beautification3.1 Family planning services3.2 Cell phone services3.2 Town administration3.3 Day care services3.3 Services for the disabled3.4 Food/shelter programs3.4 Low income housing3.4 Transportation services for those unable to drive3.4 Library services3.4 Internet services3.4 Legal services3.4 Home repair services3.4 Hospitals3.5 ServiceAverage Police/public safety3.5 County administration3.5 Business services3.5 Dental services3.6 Nursing homes3.6 Adult education3.6 Senior citizen services3.6 Primary care physicians3.7 Parks and recreation3.7 Restaurants3.7 Automobile Repair services3.7 Hospice/nursing services3.8 Public education3.8 Fire services3.8 Waste management services3.8 Grocery Store3.8 County health Department4 Banking/financial/investment services4 Drug stores/pharmacies4.1 Postal services4.1 Religious services4.2
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 13 Quality of Services Quality of Community ServicesItems Social Services— Alcohol/Drug Treatment & Counseling Services Crisis Intervention Services, Family Planning Services, Food/Shelter Services, Job Retraining Services for the Disabled, Public Administration — County Government Postal Services Town Government Waste Management Education— Adult Education Public Education Private Sector Services— Cell Phone Services, Day Care Services, Home Repair Services Low-Income Housing Healthcare Services— Dental Services Hospitals Primary Care Physicians Community — Economic Development Entertainment
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 14 Quality of Services Satisfaction of Services by Level of Organizational Involvement
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 15 Quality of Services Satisfaction of Services by Population Groups
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 16 Quality of Life How satisfied are the residents of Bethany/Harrison County with their quality of life? Possible Responses: 1 = Very Dissatisfied 2 = Dissatisfied 3 = Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied 4 = Satisfied 5 = Very Satisfied
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 17 Quality of Life Satisfaction With Quality of Life Quality of Life CategoriesAverage My life in general4.30 Support from my friends and neighbors4.29 Being part of a rural community4.28 My spiritual life4.28 My family situation4.22 My housing4.20 My work or retirement4.12 My children’s future3.80 My financial situation3.65 The services I receive in Bethany3.60 The future of my community3.55 The beauty of my local community3.41
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 18 Quality of Life Satisfaction of Quality of Life by Population Groups
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 19 Perceptions of The Economy What are the perceptions of the residents of Bethany/Harrison County on the importance of various economic sectors to the local economy today and in the future? Possible Responses: 1 = Not Important At All 2 = Slightly Important 3 = Medium Importance 4 = Important 5 = Very Important
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 20 Perceptions of The Economy Perceptions of Respondents vs. USDA
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 21 Perceptions of The Economy SectorsUSDATODAYFUTURE Perceptual Difference Industry’s Actual Importance Construction Slight ** Most Sectors ** Slight Finance and insurance Medium Hospitality, Services, Car Dealers Medium Hospitality: Lodging, Food & drinking places Medium Healthcare and social assistance Important Wholesale trade Important Agriculture & N R Very Important Local government Very Important
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 22 Where People Shop & Why Where do the residents of Bethany/Harrison county shop for commonly purchased items? Possible Responses: 1 = Small Locally Owned Business 2 = Chain Store Close By (ex. Wal-Mart) 3 = Big City (ex. K.C., St. Joe, Des Moines) 4 = Internet If items not purchased locally, then why do residents of Bethany/Harrison county travel outside the area to shop? Possible Responses: 1 = Lower Prices 2 = Availability and Variety of Product 3 = Quality of Product 4 = Quality of Service (ex. Hours of Operation, Parking) 5 = Day Trip to Larger Town
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 23 Where People Shop & Why Where Residents Shop
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 24 Where People Shop & Why Reasons For Shopping Outside of Bethany/Harrison County
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 25 Where People Shop & Why If available, would the residents of Bethany/Harrison county be willing to buy common farmer’s market items at the Bethany Farmer’s Market? Possible Responses: 1 = Likely 2 = Somewhat Likely 3 = Not Likely
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 26 Where People Shop & Why Responses to Farmer’s Market Questions
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 27 Community Development Goals What community development goals do Bethany/Harrison County Residents feel are important to pursue? Possible Responses: 1 = Not Important At All 2 = Slightly Important 3 = Medium Importance 4 = Important 5 = Very Important
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 28 Community Development Goals Importance of Community Development Goals
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 29 Community Development Goals Importance of Community Development Goals by Population Groups
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 30 Community Development Goals 1.Downtown Beautify Downtown Bethany Increase Cultural Activities Improve Public Safety Downtown Bethany Development 2.Traditional Roads Vocational Training for Youth Job Retraining Retain youth 3.Rural Small Business Services Bio-fuel Production Help Small Farmers Help Organic Farmers 4.Industrial Increase Diversity Attract Animal Processing Attract Large Scale Farms Develop I-35 corridor
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 31 Community Development Goals Importance of Community Development Goals by Population Groups
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 32 Summary of Survey Findings People Like Living in Bethany The Local Economy is Strong But, there is Concern About the Future Highest Consensus on Two Sets of Community Development Goals: (1) Economic -- Business Services, Vocational Training & Retraining, & Roads (2) Improved Public Safety and Access to Drug/Alcohol Treatment
3/4/2016 University of Missouri - Columbia 33 Acknowledgements We Would Like to Thank The Bethany Chamber of Commerce Mrs. Campbell’s Honors Statistics Class (Bethany & Eagleville) The kind people of Bethany/Harrison County who helped and responded to our survey The Survey Design Team Kimberly Chapman Olivia Hetzler Casi Lock Jill Lucht Robin Mabry-Hubbard Jana Thies Debi Word