1 Expansion of San Diego Freedom Ranch Expansion of San Diego Freedom Ranch
2 Serving the community since 1972Serving the community since 1972 Currently provides 56 bedsCurrently provides 56 beds Situated on 300 acresSituated on 300 acres San Diego Freedom Ranch
3 Background Multi-purpose Building Main Building
4 Expansion Plan Overview Four phasesFour phases Five new dormitoriesFive new dormitories New dining hall and meeting roomNew dining hall and meeting room Upgraded existing facilitiesUpgraded existing facilities 125 beds when complete125 beds when complete
5 Project Proposal Area of proposed improvements
Phase 1 6 New Parking > 500 feet
Phase 2 7
Phase 3 8
Phase 4 9
10 Dining Hall Dormitory Oak trees San Diego Freedom Ranch
11 FREEDOM RANCH Land acquisition Land acquisition Approval from County Planning Commission Approval from County Planning CommissionFundraisingwww.sdfreedomranch.org