Country Presentation SAINT LUCIA
Current status ◦ Scope and coverage ◦ Output estimation ◦ Intermediate Consumption estimation ◦ Volume measurement Challenges ◦ Legislation ◦ Management of Public Data Systems ◦ Data collection practices ◦ Dynamic Economic Structure
Responses (‘No more Mr. Nice Guy’) ◦ Legislative authority ◦ National Statistical Policy ◦ Review and improvement of NA methodology
Scope and Coverage ◦ 4 annual GDP tables, 1 SUT, 1 controversial TSA (underestimated GDP or overestimated visitor expenditure.. hmm??), 1 Informal Sector Survey, Quarterly LFS, Monthly CPI, Annual BOP (no IIP) ◦ Gross Value Added in basic prices, GDP at market prices, upgraded from factor cost GDP during rebasing exercise, production account? ◦ formal, registered establishments, some degree of informal activity captured through administrative sources like the NIC and Customs ◦ ISIC4, HS2008, CPC2, BPM5 ◦ New initiatives: QGDP (thank you Maureen!), new SUT, new base year, annual GDP chaining (..hmm?)
Output estimation Mixture of sources and methods Sources: company reports, survey and administrative data; irregular and inconsistent intervals (monthly, quarterly, annual); severely restricted coverage of service industries; commodity flow, benchmarking; heavy dependence on output benchmark data from 2002 SUT Table
Intermediate Consumption estimation ◦ imported inputs/merchandise ◦ limited data on current domestic costs of intermediate goods and services; limited use and access to current survey data ◦ constant input-output ratios from 2002 benchmark data
Volume measurement direct double deflation? Laspeyres indices (lack of a current weighting structure to facilitate Paashe index) unit value indices (built primarily from import unit values) as opposed to genuine domestic producer price indices Volume extrapolation (extrapolation of base year output, constant input-output ratios) ◦ Expenditure GDP Gross Capital Formation: imports of capital equipment (BEC; CIF value, trade/transport margins not established to derive purchasers’ prices); government capital estimates, 95% of construction output (developed using commodity flow approach, starting with ‘construction imports); change in stock of inventories, not separately identified
Legislation ◦ individual, incoherent, legislative acts inhibiting access to critical data; VAT Act, NIC legislation, confidentiality clauses, etc. Management of Public Data Systems ◦ out-dated, stand-alone, non-standardized public data management systems; varying degrees of modernization, lack of common standards and data quality controls Data collection practices ◦ reduced response rates ◦ outdated data collection instruments and methods (time- consuming, inefficient enumerator-administered interviews) Dynamic Economic Structure ◦ Unstable Economic Conditions, widespread discounting, introduction of VAT (impact on production costs, producer and consumer prices, consistent and regular upgrade of current input- output ratios; annual GDP chaining.. Hmm??)
Legislative authority MOUs, Cabinet Conclusions, integration with investment/tax incentives Strengthening Statistical Act National Statistical Policy establishment and management of the national statistical system data collection protocols, policies for data-sharing, data protection interaction of national database systems, networking, central repository legislative support, decentralized responsibility, outlining a mandate for ownership and responsibility, e.g. revision of VAT Act to go beyond the collection of taxes and actively facilitate the production of economic statistics (output, IC, capital expenditure on a monthly basis) Statistical audit, stakeholder consultations already accomplished (involved data users and providers from civil society and the private and public sectors)
Review and improvement of NA methodology Improved updating of business register Sampling procedures (protocols pertaining to the coverage of ‘small establishments’, which may or not contribute significantly to value added, either collectively or individually More efficient data collection and compilation processes: revise questionnaires, use of improved technologies (‘hand-held’s, etc); modification of E/D forms, ERETES??.. Hmm?? Consolidating NA data collection effort with the LFS and other regular household surveys to identify and measure new and emerging service activities; more regular informal sector output estimates