Lorna Gledhill Regional Asylum Activism Project, Yorkshire and Humberside & Roger Nyantou Refugee Education, Training, Advice Service, Leeds Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Yorkshire and Humberside
London, 12 September, 2015
Why now? There are now over 59.5 million people forcibly displaced across the globe (UNHCR). 42,500 individuals were forced to leave their homes every day due to conflict and persecution in 2014 (UNHCR). There are 9 million Syrian refugees alone; 3 million in neighbouring countries, 6.5 million internally displaced in Syria, and 150,000 claiming asylum in Europe. In the first ten months of 2015, at least 3,329 men, women and children died whilst crossing the Mediterranean in search of protection in Europe. The majority making these crossings are refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Eritrea (UNHCR).
Why do people seek protection? States are responsible for protecting the fundamental human rights of their citizens. If they fail to do this, individuals often seek protection in another country. Left without the protection of their ‘home-state’, the international community steps in to protect them.
What is a refugee? "A person who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it..“ UN Geneva Convention, 1951
What is an asylum seeker? It is not possible to apply for refugee protection from a distance. Everyone has the right to seek protection and claim asylum in a state outside their country of origin. An asylum seeker in the UK is somebody who has applied for refugee protection from the UK government, but is awaiting a decision on their claim. There is no such thing as an illegal asylum seeker!
What about resettlement? Gateway Protection Programme: 750 per year Syrian Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme: 20,000 by ,500 Syrian Refugees will be resettled in Local Authorities across Yorkshire and Humberside Resettled individuals arrive in the UK as refugees, and have the same rights as any UK citizen. A very small number of the world’s refugees are resettled by the UNHCR in other countries.
Telling the Truth about Refugees in the UK The UK does not receive a particularly high number of applications for asylum. It is not easy to get refugee status! People seeking asylum cannot afford to meet their essential living needs and are not allowed to work. Many are forced into poverty and homelessness in the UK People seeking asylum can be detained indefinitely and without charge. There are no safe and legal routes for refugees to get to Europe
Refugees are part of the fabric of the UK People have always been forced to move in search of safety, security and sanctuary. Britain has become a safe haven for Jewish children fleeing Nazi persecution, Ugandan Asians fleeing Idi Amin and Kosovans fleeing the horrors of war. Refugee communities are as much part of our history as our present and future.
\\\\\\\\\ How do we change the narrative… … the power of proactive local action. Befriending Speaking your truth to power Volunteering Challenging Misconceptions Building Solidarity
Who we are: RETAS is a charity that aims to help encourage integration through offering advice and support to refugees and asylum seekers through »Education »English »Training »Volunteering »Employment
Aims of RETAS Integration for refugees and asylum seekers through education, training, requalification and employment RETAS can support refugees and asylum seekers who live in West Yorkshire Build confidence and self esteem in all service users, and instill them with a sense of hope for the future to encourage participation and integration. rebuilding lives, breaking down barriers...
RETAS services IAG – education, training, employment Jobskills courses Employer interview workshops Job placements English classes Professional support groups Awareness raising / training
Need Refugee unemployment figures are 6x the UK national average Misunderstandings regarding the rights and entitlements for refugees and asylum seekers amongst employers 15,000 or more refugees in the region 177,770 non-UK nationals registered for a NI from 99 countries Barriers to work and education for refugees include: -English language -Recognition of past qualifications -Asylum seekers not allowed to work -Lack of UK work experience -Isolation/not knowing where to find work and access services -Financial difficulties -Uncertainty of the future/time limited status
Diverse people joined together by common needs
Issues to be aware of when someone has recently received refugee status Very disruptive time, emotional rollercoaster Pushed for time (28 days to leave asylum housing) Needs include 1. Temporary housing & relocating 2. Registering for benefits 3. Job hunting Family re-union
Useful websites This holds a directory of organisations who work with refugees and asylum seekers in the region e/employersguides
Where we are based Contact details: RETAS Leeds Roundhay Road Resource Centre, Roundhay Road Harehills, Leeds, LS8 4HS Tel: Fax: Website: Office Hours: 10:30am – 3:30pm Tuesday to Friday To ensure that you will be seen by an advisor when you visit please contact us before to book an appointment or come to our drop-ins Fri AM/Mon PM
\\\\\\\\\ What can unions do to provide solidarity with refugees? Campaign for people seeking asylum to have permission to work Offer work experience placements for new refugees in the UK Work with local refugee support agencies to challenge exploitative working conditions faced by refugees and people seeking asylum Challenge misconceptions about refugees and asylum seekers in the workplace.
\\\\\\\\\ Roger Nyantou e: t: Lorna Gledhill e: t: