SFC2014 and Home Affairs programmes for Stephanie Hardy Directorate General Home Affairs
3 Member States: UK + IE possibility to opt-in DK does not participate Member States: UK + IE possibility to opt-in DK does not participate Member States: DK through international law UK and IE do not participate Internal Security Fund - Borders COM(2011)750 - purpose and scope, definitions, objectives - eligible actions - financial and implementation framework - final and transitional provisions - annexes Internal Security Fund - Police COM(2011)753 - purpose and scope, definitions, objectives - eligible actions - financial and implementation framework - final and transitional provisions - annex Asylum and Migration Fund COM(2011)751 - purpose and scope, definitions, objectives, target groups -eligible actions - financial and implementation framework - final and transitional provisions - annexes Schengen associated countries Horizontal Regulation - COM(2011)752 - purpose and scope, definitions - principles of assistance - financial framework for union actions, emergency and technical assistance - national programmes: programming and implementation framework, management and control, financial management, clearance of accounts and financial corrections, decommitment - information, communication, monitoring, evaluation and reporting - final and transitional provisions LEGAL STRUCTURE OF THE HOME AFFAIRS MFF PACKAGE Member States: UK + IE possibility to opt-in DK does not participate
Context and Regulations for Home Affairs Commission draft regulation proposals Council adopted partial common approach Parliament Orientation votes Trilogues Adoption of the general regulation Adoption of impl. and delegated acts Dialogues Submission of national programmes Adoption
versus Major changes specific to the Home Affairs Funds Two Funds: AMF and ISF (not 4 Funds and 2 programmes) 7 year programme (no longer annual) Dialogue (each Member State and the Commission) Two main Authorities: Responsible and Audit (no Certifying authority) Predefined common indicators
Details of the National Programme for AMF and ISF Preparation and Implementation Framework Baseline Partners (in preparation and implementation) Monitoring Committee Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Information and Publicity Complementarity with EU Funds Beneficiaries <2.n. type="S" maxlength="nnnnn" input="M"
Details of the National Programme for AMF and ISF For each Specific Objective there are: the individual Operational Objectives SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 2: External Border Management Provide an analysis of the Specific Objective 2 as it applies to the issues and needs of the Member State, describe the expected results and how they will meet the Specific Objective Operational Objective/Area 2: IT Systems, communications infrastructure title Provide examples of the main actions planned. Provide a justification for the budgeted amount Selection of beneficiary: Check box if call for proposals will be used: If Direct award is planned provide a brief justification
Details of the National Programme for AMF and ISF For each Specific Objective there are: the individual Specific Actions SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 2: Common European Asylum System Provide an analysis of the Specific Objective 2 as it applies to the issues and needs of the Member State, describe the expected results and how they will meet the Specific Objective 2. Specific Action 1: Establishment and development in the Union of transit and processing centres for refugees, in particular to support resettlement operations in cooperation with the UNHCR Specific action 1: describe how the action will be carried out and justification for the budgeted amount Selection of beneficiary: Check box if call for proposals will be used: If Direct award is planned provide a brief justification
Details of the National Programme for AMF and ISF For each Specific Objective there is: - an indicative timetable - a set of pre-defined Common Indicators - a set of Programme Specific Indicators - budgeted amount for each Operational objective and Specific action (financial tables)
Details of the National Programme for AMF and ISF For each Fund there are Special cases that require particular information. These are for the AMF: Resettlement and Relocation and for ISF-Borders: Operating support and Operating support for the Special Transit Scheme (Lithuania)
Details of the National Programme for AMF and ISF – Financing tables Operational Objective/Area Total Operational Objective/Area 1.1 Operational Objective/Area 1.2 Operational Objective/Area 1.3 Operational Objective/Area 1.4 Operational Objective/Area 1.5 TOTAL SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE 1 type="N " input=" G">
Details of the National Programme for AMF and ISF Example of information not requiring a decision by the Commission Authority/bo dy Name of the authority /body Head of the authority /body Address address Date of design ation Activities Delegated Body designating the Responsible authority Designated/ Responsible authority Audit authority Delegated Authority 1 Delegated Authority 2
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