Presenting at your peak Inspired Business Club, Peterborough – Sep 3rd 2015
Feel less like this….
And more like this….
Glossophobia! Because 75% of you will have…
My story and experience
Achieve results Preparation and planning Effecti ve use of language Engaging the audience The physical aspects Building your confidence The Presentation Club
1. Your “elevator pitch” 2. Visual aids 3. A focus on you! 3 key things for today
Why these?
Elevator pitches
Who made an impact? 60 seconds
1. Focus on benefits and results for all 2. Use stories 3. Keep it simple and repeat 3 important rules
Visual aids
1. Presentation slides 2. Flip charts 3. Props 3 useful visual aids
The joys of PowerPoint
1. Plan on paper first 2. Use more images 3. Rule of 3 3 important rules
Flip charts to gain interaction
Keep a focus on you
Well maybe not 55% but….
- 1. Neutral posture 2. Stage positioning and movement 3. Hand gestures Using your body
So in summary… Get your messages right Use great visual aids but they are visual aids People are most interested in you
And if you want to know more….
New Presentation Club For Business Leaders looking to develop their presentation and pitching skills Starts October 1 st in Chesterfield At the East Midlands Chamber of Commerce
Coming soon….. Expert Speaker Discovery Day in Peterborough!
7 steps to peak performance as a leader
FREE with the book…. “PI Leadership Discovery Workshop” November 6 th Nottinghamshire Golf and Country Club
For solo businesses…. “How to build a successful and fulfilling solo business” FREE event Sep 4 th (Lincoln) and Sep 11 th (Ruddington)
Issues and questions