Multi-anvil at the NSLS Michael Vaughan Liping Wang Jiuhua Chen Baosheng Li Carey Koleda Bill Huebsch Ken Baldwin Chris Young
Personnel Michael Vaughan Liping Wang Jiuhua Chen Baosheng Li Carey Koleda Bill Huebsch Ken Baldwin Chris Young
Cost breakdown Stony Brook University:$50,000 CHiPR:$160,000 NSLS:$1,440,000
Details of SAM 85 Cell assembly for ultrasonic measurement Specimen length determined by X-radiography High Pressure x-ray Studies High P High T large volume Energy dispersive diffraction Angle dispersive diffraction Sample length Ultrasonic interferrometry
Deformation-DIA Deformation device to operate to 12 GPa and 2000K Measure stress, strain rate, up to 50% strain First device built by Livermore (Durham)
Rotational Drickamer Cell, Yale group
Ideal Circle Stressed sample Lattice spacings for stressed sample Two detector strain measure tot v – h tot (111) * S 44 /2 tot (100) * (S 11 – S 12 )
Li Li et al, 2004
Li Li, 2003
P mean =( kbar Stress, kbar Stress state in NaCl Max. T=500 C RT Kung et al, 2004
Study of Molten Materials under High Pressures and Temperatures Opportunities at Synchrotron X-ray Beamlines
Bulk Properties of Melts Viscosity Density Acoustic Velocity
Jiuhua Chen
open press 1.7 GPa 4.0 GPa 4.0 GPa 1300 o C Jiuhua Chen
Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements Transducer Buffer RodSample Reflection/Transmission Interferometry Resonance Ultrasonic Spectroscopy GHz Ultrasonic Interferometry Precision ~ Baosheng Li
Input Signal in Frequency and Time Domain Input Signal Frequency Amp Baosheng Li
End of Run~3 GPa 400C Baosheng Li
Melts Solid Baosheng Li
Melts Solids Bi (I) Bi (III) Baosheng Li
Material Sciences at X17B2 of NSLS Phase equilibria at high P and T (e.g., Si, Ge, Zr, Hf) Thermal equations of state (e.g., Si, Ge, Zr, Hf, Os, U) Reaction kinetics (e.g., Si melts + diamond = SiC) Strength of nano materials (Si, SiC, diamond) Rheology at high P and T (e.g., Ta) Voronin et al. (2003) Zhang et al. (2004) Phase diagram of the elemental Zr