How to Deliver a Conference Presentation (in a fun way)
Fact People do not go to a conference purely for listening your presentation. They also go for different purposes. They do not spend all of their focus on the conference (and you)
Fact You are the person who know your work best. People ask you, not challenge you.
Fact There is only a little time for Q&A. It is not enough to accommodate a long and deep discussion.
Fact Do not worry about English. Many people have much worse English than you.
Tips You have only minutes to deliver your presentation. Use it effectively. Limit the number of your slides. Talk as necessary.
Tips Use concise expressions. Use visual aids (graphs, pictures, illustrations, etc)
Tips Describe the important ideas and findings only. Do not fall into (unnecessary) details. People are not interested in numbers, source code, etc.
Tips Control your audience. Use proper tone and gestures.
Tips Practice and practice. Practice makes perfect.