Session 1 Introduction Project for Capacity Development for Implementing the Organic Law at the Capital and Provincial Level (PILAC 2)
Objectives and Content Objective of Session 1: Training participants understand the objective and outline of the training program. Content: 1. Introduction to the training program 2. Schedule of the training program 3. Q&A and Pre-Test 1
Introduction to the Training Program (1) Objectives of the Training Program Training participants can formulate and manage the CPDP and CPIP. Training participants can support other relevant people in the formulation and management process of the CPDP and CPIP. IMPORTANT ABBREVIATIONS CPDP=Capital and Provincial Five-Year Development Plan CPIP=Capital and Provincial Three-Year Rolling Investment Program 2
3 Introduction to the Training Program (2) Target participants of the training program: Capital/Provincial Planning Working Group members Capital/Provincial officials who support high- ranking officials for the formulation and management of the CPDP and CPIP
4 Introduction to the Training Program (3) General training rules Training participants are requested to observe the following rules. All participants respect the training schedule and stay punctual. All participants attend the entire training program from start to finish. All participants turn off their mobile phones or use the silent mode. All participants take the Pre-Test and the Post-Test.
5 Schedule of Training Program for C/P Officials (1) Day 1 Session 1Introduction to the training program & Pre-Test General Session 2Laws and regulations Session 3CPDP formulation processCPDP Session 4Problem Tree and Solution Tree Session 5Development Planning Calendar Session 6SWOT Analysis Day 2 Session 7C/P Policy GuidanceCPDP Session 8Scoring Method Session 9M&E Process of the CPDP Session 10Table of Situational Analysis
6 Schedule of Training Course for C/P Officials (2) Day 3 Session 11Table of C/P Development FrameworkCPDP Session 12Structure of the CPDP Book Session 13CPIP Formulation ProcessCPIP Session 14Preparation of the Tables of the CPIP Day 4 Session 15Pay-Off MatrixCPIP Session 16CPIP M&E Session 17Structure of the CPIP Book Session 18Wrap-up SessionGeneral Post-Test
7 Q&A Any questions in relation to the training course? After the Q&A, the Pre-Test starts. (30 minutes)
8 Thank You