James Robinson Gwen Jones The John Rylands University Library Manchester Digitisation in the PUBLIC EYE
to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of digitisation with a public audience the logistics of digitising in a public space methods of audience engagement the costs against value of digitisation with a public audience Aims and Objectives Digitisation in the PUBLIC EYE
CHICC Aim: CHICC is a John Rylands University Library initiative to examine the demand for a regional Centre of Excellence for Heritage Digitisation, embedded within the University of Manchester. We will establish partnerships with museums, libraries and archive repositories throughout the region, and beyond, to develop and test collaborative models for digitisation. The chief outcomes will be a feasibility study and a business plan for offering digitisation services to the heritage sector and beyond. Centre for Heritage Digitisation and Collection Care (CHICC)
4 Explore and test various business models and practices with external partners Achieve economies of scale by competitively marketing our services and expertise Develop a strategy for continuation and long-term sustainability of digitisation activities Define best-practice for object-centred digitisation Expand our existing on-line content by hosting related materials held by other institutions Fulfil JISC, Library and University strategic goals CHICC Project Objectives
CHICC partners Chetham’s Library Brotherton Library Manchester Metropolitan University Manchester Museum CENGAGE learning The Folio Society National Trust Historic House Libraries - Townend, Tatton, Petworth
Digitising Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales Petworth House, Sussex
Free open day Wider audience New visitors Give advice on caring for items Promote service to public Digitisation Day at John Rylands Library
Tatton Park, Knutsford
Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester
Text Costs against Value CostsValue Interacting with an audience slows the process down. Using up space which may normally be part of the usual visitor attraction. Maintaining security is more challenging. Maintaining health and safety standards is more challenging. Protecting the venue. Increased public engagement. Increased visitor numbers. Education. Raising collection awareness. Media interest and promotion. New or different audiences for the venue. Reaching out to a different demographic. Introduces new ways of working. Introduces new technologies. Promotion of services. possibility of creating partnerships and gaining work.
Why would the Public be interested? Everyone like to see behind the scenes! Items usually hidden away are out ‘on display’ Digital technology allows a much closer look, from much further away Advice
Creating an Event Increased visitor numbers Reaching out to a different demographic Reaching out to new audiences Media Interest - television and radio interviews Online media interest - using social media Building audiences for the future - blog subscriptions, twitter followers etc
Interaction with Public - methods of audience engagement Using another laptop with slideshow iPad Face to face interaction Live demonstrations Signage
Visual Resources Handouts - information about what we are doing Handouts - information about the project Information about the venue Information about collections Use of audio visual media platforms Links to visit on the internet
Interactive Audio Visual Resources Displaying images on an iPad Using another laptop to display images or powerpoint The iPad itself attracted interest from visitors Children’s engagement with the iPad
Security Digitisation of Special Collections usually takes place in a secure environment, when opening the process up to a public audience many factors need to be taken in to consideration. Creating a barrier - look but don’t touch! Staffing levels - we identified three key needs; collection care, keeping the equipment safe, public engagement Environment - a member of the collection care team monitored the humidity and temperature levels Protecting the venue - creating a space for digitisation CC image by °Florian°Florian
Conclusions Beneficial for all parties Not without Costs Value outweighs cost Great promotion of services/collections Applying new technologies
Text Social Media Crowd-sourcing Follow on work e.g. facsimiles Interactive Exhibits Online Collection ‘Museum Experience’ for the Digital Age What’s next....
Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester Thank you! chiccmanchester.worpress.com manchester.ac.uk/library/chicc