Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Data JANUARY 2016
Why remove levels? - Self-labelling. - Ceiling on attainment and progress. - Levels were designed for end of Key Stage judgements. - Transition between Key Stages. - Aiming for accelerated progress left gaps. - Best fit left gaps.
Commission on Assessment without levels “ It is high quality formative assessment that goes to the very heart of good teaching.” “The measurement of the performance of schools and of the system as a whole has exerted undue influence on the assessment of individual pupils.” “The new national curriculum requires a radical cultural and pedagogical change…. the focus needs to be on high-quality, in-depth teaching, supported by in-class formative assessment.”
Commission on Assessment without levels “The key to raising standards is by enriching learning and pupil motivation and enabling teachers to grow professionally.” “Depth and breadth of understanding were sometimes sacrificed in favour of pace.” “The pressure generated by the use of levels in the accountability system led to a curriculum driven by Attainment Targets, levels and sub-levels, rather than the programmes of study.” “Progress became synonymous with moving on to the next level, but progress can involve developing deeper or wider understanding, not just moving on to work of greater difficulty. Sometimes progress is simply about consolidation.”
National Curriculum Year group based (not levels) English: Y1, Y2, LKS2, UKS2 Maths: separate year groups Domains ReadingWritingMaths Word reading Comprehension Spelling Handwriting Composition Vocabulary, grammar & punctuation Number & Place Value Addition & Subtraction Multiplication & Division Fractions Measurement Shape Statistics
National Curriculum Aims English - Fluency - Clarity - Accuracy - Coherence Maths - Become fluent in the fundamentals - Reason mathematically - Can solve problems by applying their maths
Teaching and Learning expectations Equity and Excellence. Fewer things in greater depth for all learners. Brick Wall model. Comparison to high performing jurisdictions. All learners focused on the same Learning Aim in a session. Previously a Year 6 class may have had L2-L6 learners differentiated for in the same session. Mastery of End of Year Expectations (EYE) (Age Related Expectations: ARE) “Catch up” (if behind) & then “Keep up.”
Teaching and Learning expectations All learners focused on the same Learning Aim in a session. Deliberate practice for Mastery: moving to enrichment challenges (not new LA) Aim is for sustained progress over time. (Not rapid and sustained)
Mastery and Enrichment Specific Learning Aim ↓ All learners: Precise Interactive Input (Continuous Diagnostic Assessment) ↓ (10-15 mins) a group of individuals → Enrichment Challenge ↓ (15-45 mins) a second group of individuals → Enrichment Challenge ↓ A third group continue on deliberate practice to develop mastery of the Learning Aim (In future sessions the third group may have additional ‘mastery’ learning activities / practice if required)
Teaching for Learning policy Principles (Values) We aim to help our children develop a genuine and deep Love for learning and personal growth. Staff show Love through their passion and professional commitment for teaching and the children’s learning and progress. We show Forgiveness in the way we learn from mistakes and Hope through the high expectations we have for every child and the way we strive for the best for all children. Learners are active and increasingly empowered partners in their learning journey. Staff are activators of learning and promote a “ Growth Mindset ”. Rich engaging learning experiences challenge all learners and relevant contexts make learning meaningful for them. Mastery and fluency of key knowledge, understanding and skills is balanced with opportunities to deepen and enrich their thinking. Aims - All learners (and groups) achieve End of Year Expectations. - All learners (and groups) make sustained progress and develop depth of understanding. - All learners are empowered partners in their learning to grow as people who are: confident, responsible, empathetic, resilient, reflective, open-minded, fulfilled and happy.
Teaching for Learning Foundations 1. Learning Aim 2. Success Criteria 3. Challenge all 4. Continuous Diagnostic Assessment 5. Mastery & Enrichment 6. Feedback (Feed forward) 7. Questions & Learning Journey Prompts 8. Engaged & purposeful 9. Prompts & Scaffolds 10. Precise interactive inputs 11. Discuss & reflect 12. Learning Walls 13. Regular drips Please see the handout provided for more detail
Assessment Think though planning: learning journey for LA. Clear precise Learning Aim and Success Criteria. Continuous Diagnostic Assessment: Diagnose: insight into learners: identify thinking, misconceptions, gaps. Frequent & low risk. Provide struggle to provoke misconceptions. Which learners have sufficient understanding? Deliberate practice or Enrichment challenge? Data is a by-product.
What are we assessing and how? Keeping it simple: focus on assessing the NC objectives. See handout Assessment Journeys Please leave the cell blank if the learner does not understand it yet and always needs support / guidance. 1. Apprentice. The learner has some understanding and can manage to achieve it some of the time independently. 2. Mastery of End of Year Expectations. The learner has mastered the objective at the end of year standard. They know it, understand it, can explain it and demonstrate it through their work. They are independently accurate. 3. Deep Learning Expert. The learner can use/apply their mastery accurately, fluently, flexibly and effectively in a range of contexts. Evaluating its use and creating new learning and links to current understanding.
Key Stage 1 tests Reading Paper 1: (lower demand) Paper 2: (higher demand) English Grammar Punctuation Spelling Paper 1: Spelling Paper 2: Grammar, punctuation and vocabulary Maths Paper 1: Arithmetic Paper 2: Reasoning
EYFS and Phonics Trialled a new YR baseline. Statutory from September No changes to end of year assessments and tests.