V AN G OGH /M C C LEAN I NSPIRATION /S TARRY N IGHT J. Mongelli Unit 2 Core 8 th Grade
O BJECTIVES I can determine similarities and differences between authors and artists as well as analyze how tone and mood are used to capture the audience I can understand nuances in word meanings by looking at the relationship of the word as used in context.
I NTRODUCTION - I NSPIRATION What makes something inspirational? Author Elizabeth Gilbert, Catching Magic by the Tail, said “Inspiration is trying to get your attention. You have an obligation not to ignore the signals.”
I NSPIRATION Author Elizabeth Gilbert, Catching Magic by the Tail, said “Inspiration is trying to get your attention. You have an obligation not to ignore the signals.”
B IOGRAPHY Annotate Text Read text silently to yourself Circle unfamiliar words Underline specific words and phrases that create an overall tone of Van Gogh’ life experiences What is the tone about Van Gogh’s life created by the text?
I NTERVIEW Annotate text Silently read interview to yourself Circle unfamiliar words Underline key ideas What caught Mr. McLean’s attention so powerfully that he felt an obligation not to ignore the signals and “to set the record straight”?
V IDEO McLean "Starry, Starry Night" - Van Gogh First viewing, listen to the lyrics, tone, mood of the song Second viewing annotate any words or phrases that: show how the music and lyrics show how Van Gogh’s paintings share a sensitivity to life’s beauty and pain?
E XIT C ARD D ISCUSSION Is Don McLean able to illustrate – through his interview with Helen Brown and through his music and lyrics – his claim that Vincent Van Gogh was not crazy, but a misunderstood genius? Use all your materials, EXCEPT Van Gogh’s biography to support your answer.