The Civil War In The Beginning
Southern politicians owned many more slaves than most whites. (And the more important they were, the more slaves they owned.)
States generally seceded in the order that they owned slaves.
The Civil War began ____________ _____________________________.
The Civil War began on April 12, 1861 when the Confederates attacked Fort Sumter.
The Union had large advantages in ______________________________.
The Union had large advantages in population, manufacturing and money.
However, the Confederates advantages included_______________________.
However, the Confederates advantages included better officers and fighting defensively.
At the start of the war, Lincoln thought slavery should_______ ____________.
At the start of the war, Lincoln thought slavery should not be eliminated....
... because he was worried about ____________________________.
... because he was worried about keeping the border states loyal.
Lincoln Restricted Civil Liberties Was this justified?
In , the war in the East ___________________________.
In , the war in the East generally went badly for the Union.
For both sides, the war was much, much worse than they ever imagined it would be.