“Every European Digital” N. Kroes
8 pillars – 101 key actions 1.Digital Single Market 2.Interoperability and standards 3.Trust and security 4.Very fast internet 5.Research and innovation 6.Enhancing e-skills 7. ICT for Social Challenges 8. International DAE pillars
Opportunities –Enhancing cultural diversity –creative and cultural contents services as driver of Internet use, broadband, e-literacy –Information in public domain, preserving cultural heritage Challenges –Intellectual property, remuneration –Support to European industry –Adapt internal market rules to internet era Information society and culture
Digital Single Market (pillar 1) + promoting cultural diversity and creative content (in pillar 7) Online access to legal content Europeana Digitalisation of European cinema Promoting cultural diversity in audiovisual media services
1.Digital Single Market -Action 79: Propose a sustainable model for financing the Europeana digital library -Action 80: Propose measures to support cultural and creative industries -Action 81: Issue recommendation on promoting digitalisation of European cinema -Action 82: Implement the Audiovisual Media Services Directive on cultural diversity
Action 1: Simplifying pan-European licensing for online works Action 2: Preserving orphan works and out of print works Action 4: Wide stakeholder debate on further measures to stimulate a European online content market Action 5: Simplifying the distribution of creative content Action 6: Protecting intellectual property rights online Action 10: : Implement key directives supporting the digital single market. 1. ICT for Social Challenges
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