Illinois Coalition for School Health Centers Keeping Students Healthy and Ready to Learn School Health Initiatives Midwestern Regional Meeting July 23, 2008 Blair Harvey, ICSHC Project Director
Illinois Coalition for School Health Centers MISSION “ To improve the physical and mental health of children and adolescents in Illinois by fostering the development, stabilization and expansion of school health centers.” GOALS advocacy evaluation networking funding quality assurance sustainability
Illinois School Health Centers Keeping Students Healthy and Ready to Learn
50 SHCs across Illinois
27 SHCs in Chicago
Illinois School Health Centers FY out of 50 school health centers report the following: n IL SHCs serve 98 schools in 15 counties n 78% of SHCs are in Title I schools n 78,075 students were enrolled to receive services n There were 103,469 total visits to SHCs Data sources: School Health Center Report Card FY 2007 Data
Illinois Maternal and Child Health Coalition n Established 1988 n Promote and improve the health of women, children and families n House four projects: Chicago Area Immunization Campaign, Consumer Voices for Coverage, Save our Babies and the Illinois Coalition for School Health Centers
History n Established 1996 n Group of SHC providers worked to find ways to bill Medicaid for services n 1998 integrated into IMCHC n 2001 state funding secured for staff
Successes of Collaboration n Established unique Medicaid provider code n Secured an additional $2 million from the state’s tobacco settlement to support SHCs n Approved standardized site license agreement for all SHCs in the Chicago Public School District n Established SHCs as direct access point within the state children’s health insurance program, AllKids n Passed state legislation to increase funding for SHCs n Contributed to growth of SHCs from 17 in 1996 to 50 today
Program n Represent those who support, receive and provide health care in schools and school-connected programs –Public Education and Communication –Policy and Advocacy –Program and Professional Development
Education and Communication n Educate at the local, state and federal levels n Host awareness campaigns n Provide tools for SHCs and partners
Policy and Advocacy n Increase public support for SHCs at local, state, federal levels n Integrate SHCs into the health care system n Create policy agenda
Program and Professional Development n Provide training and technical assistance to improve programs n TAT Partnership n Administrative Cost-Sharing Project n State-wide conference, regional meetings
Organizational Structure n Steering Committee and 3 working Committees: –Public Education and Advocacy –Program Development and Evaluation –Conference Planning n Regional Network
Staffing n Project Director, FTE n Project Associate, FTE n Program Consultant, 33% FTE n Americorps Intern
Blair Harvey,