Welcome to Chemistry Mrs. Spoon Please have a seat and be ready to begin when the bell rings.
Write the following information on a sheet of notebook paper: 1. Real Name + name you go by (if different) 2. Mailing address 3. Home phone # 4. Mom's name and phone # (or female guardian) 5. Dad's name and phone # (or male guardian) 6. Who do you live with? 7. Extracurricular activities/work 8. What are your goals for this school year? What do you want to accomplish?
Syllabus 1 st homework assignment: GET YOUR SYLLABUS and LAB SAFETY CONTRACT SIGNED! Turning in homework and other assignments.
General Class Procedures ALL school rules apply. Get everything ready BEFORE class begins (pencils, paper, etc.) Purses are to be left at the board! Bellringer assignments Turning in assignments
Make-up Work Teacher Web page (#791) Tests will be made up during 1 st period. ZAP!
Teacher Web Page (#791) erpage.cfm?id=791http:// erpage.cfm?id=791 Lost your syllabus, lab safety contract, or class handout? Study guides Assignments