Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics CHEN 3853 Fall 2004
Dr. Holly Moore Faculty at SLCC Redwood Campus – SI-021 U of U office hour on Fridays before class 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm T/Th 2:00 pm to 2:50 MWF at Salt Lake Community College
Syllabus che/juniorche/che3853.html che/juniorche/che3853.html Updated regularly – Please check to keep current
Text Physical and Chemical Equilibrium for Chemical Engineers, by Noel deNevers We’ll cover all 15 chapters
Prerequisites Thermodynamics I Process Engineering Concurrent with Physical Chemistry
Academic Honesty Academic honesty is important to me. I trust you, until proven wrong. Anyone discovered cheating will be asked to drop the class, if it is prior to the drop date. After the drop date any students discovered cheating will receive a grade of E.
Schedule Schedule outlined in the syllabus is tentative. You are responsible to keep track of changes, which will be posted on the web site.
Withdrawal The last day to withdraw is October 22. Any requests to withdraw after that date will require documentation from a physician or an employer stating that you are unable to continue in the class for health or work related reasons. Poor performance in the class is not a legitimate reason for withdrawal.
Students with Disabilities If you require accommodations because of a disability, please see me and/or the Disability Resource Center.
Grading pts each = 400 points 15 homework 10 pts each = 150 points Pop quizes totaling a maximum of 100 points Final 200 points Total possible of 850 points
Grading Policy A A B B83-87 B C C73-77 C D60-70 E<60
Homework Check the schedule to see when homework is due. Collected at the end of each chapter Keep a copy for yourself. We will go over the problems in class, after you have turned them in. Note that problems with an asterisk have answers in the back
Questions? I’m looking forward to this semester and I hope you are too. Let’s get started