Carol Revels, Senior Administrator
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in the following areas occur: Technology, Accountable Talk, ELA Instructional Shifts Department chairs present a part of “WICOR” (an AVID tool) to the faculty monthly; each teacher submits an example of the monthly focus to the principal Writing – August and September Inquiry - October Collaboration – November and December Organization - January Reading – February and March
Using the Study Island program at least twice per week in English classes. Working on iReady at least 50 minutes per week in Intensive Reading classes Receiving standards based instruction through the ebook Collections and cPalms Learning the school-wide weekly academic vocabulary
ELA Department meets weekly to break down standards and item specifications ELA Department meets once quarterly to create and locate resources for standards and to update ELA pacing guide ELA teachers attended a collaborative training from the FLDOE that focused on rigorous, standards based strategies; which ELA teachers have since implemented in their classrooms. ELA teachers attended training in Study Island, a standards based supplemental program, and use it on a regular basis
Writing weekly WOWs (Writing on Wednesday) from at least 2 pieces of text and citing sources Collaboratively revising their writing and discussing with their peers Using strategies through all academic disciplines to learn how to answer informative and argumentative prompts effectively.
WOW (Writing on Wednesday): On a rotating weekly schedule, each department locates 2 articles and creates a writing prompt for students. The students write every Wednesday in a different department is are graded by the FSA ELA writing rubric and given feedback.
Using Algebra Nation workbooks and online resources weekly Completing standards based, rigorous lessons through Study Island weekly Utilizing the online platform Schoology in create benchmark assessments for students to assess deficits and enrichment Using hands on manipulatives to understand strategies for problem solving mathematical concepts
Algebra teachers are meeting weekly to receive training on Math Instructional Shifts Algebra teachers meet weekly to share resources, information, review item specifications and standards Algebra teachers were provided training on Algebra Nation and utilize the workbooks and resources on a daily basis Algebra teacher meet on ERD to collaborate with Algebra teacher grades
Utilizing Google classroom and Schoology as technology platforms for virtual labs, classroom discussion, collaborative work, and immediate feedback from teacher and peers. Creating interactive notebooks which allow for enriching discussion and organization of information. Working in collaborative groups which allow for engaging accountable talk during labs and discussion about current learning standards.
The Science department incorporates a variety of strategies they have learned from prior professional development, such as: Kagan, WICOR, FSA writing standards, 1:1 technology, virtual and hands on lab opportunities, cooperative learning communities, and peer teaching.
“Power Hour”: Provides students time to receive extra assistance in classes and to complete assignments “Food For Thought”: Targets Tier 3 students with a check in/check out mentor program which is provided by selected members of the staff along with the district Check and Connect Program 1-1 Technology: Every student has received a Chromebook to work on during the school day. Tech Thursdays : Teachers participate in volunteer weekly technology training to be better equipped for using technology to engage student learning. Motivation: Students were rewarded with a pizza and cookies for making learning gains and reaching grade level on interim assessments through iReady. Students collected 396 books during Celebrate Literacy Week!, which will be distributed to elementary schools for classroom libraries. Students also collected 50 pounds of plastic caps for Caps of Love, an organization which fixes and restores wheelchairs for handicapped children.