Learn + Apply
1. Be Ready to Answer Those Who Oppose Us Why was it dangerous for the apostles to openly identify with Christ at this time? In what circumstances might we be tempted to shrink back from identifying with Jesus? Why might we do this? What happened to Peter and John, and what positive results occurred? The crippled man’s circumstances and the apostle’s discomfort gave an opportunity to speak up for Christ. What types of bad circumstances in our lives could God use to influence others to salvation?
1. Be Ready to Answer Those Who Oppose Us When have difficult circumstances given you an opportunity to witness for Christ? Look at verse 12. How is this message exclusive? How is this message inclusive? How would you respond to someone who says it is arrogant and offensive to say Jesus is the only way to get to Heaven?
2. Don’t Let Your Confidence Waiver When Facing Opposition Facing Opposition What do we learn in verses 16 and 22 about the reason for the signs and wonders of the apostles? What can we do to point people to Christ and bring Him glory? Why is it important that people notice we are passionate about Jesus and His gospel? The religious leaders could not dispute that the man had been healed. What did they do to try to keep the message about Christ from spreading? Why was this a foolish effort?
2. Don’t Let Your Confidence Waiver When Facing Opposition Facing Opposition What are some ways the world around us has tried to silence Christians? What are some ways Christians respond when this silencing takes place? How might we be bolder in our witness without being harsh and disrespectful?
3. Lean On God and Other Believers When Facing Opposition Facing Opposition In verses 24 and 28, what attribute of God did the people recognize? Why was God’s sovereignty important to them? How can we acknowledge God’s sovereignty in our words? In our worship? In our actions? According to verse 27, who did the people recognize was ultimately being opposed? Why is it important that this be recognized? What are different ways we could respond when we feel like people are opposing us?
3. Lean On God and Other Believers When Facing Opposition Facing Opposition What responses might we give that distract from the gospel, rather than draw people to it? In verse 30, what was the purpose of the signs and wonders? In verse 31, what was the result of the filling of the Holy Spirit? What results should we expect when we talk about the Spirit’s filling and presence?