Computer Science An Overview Allen C.-H. Wu/Arbee L.P. Chen Computer Science Department Tsing Hua University.


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Presentation transcript:

Computer Science An Overview Allen C.-H. Wu/Arbee L.P. Chen Computer Science Department Tsing Hua University

機率與統計 正規語言 與自動機 演算法 微積分 離散數學 線性代數 計算機組織 與組合語言 作業系統 程式語言 高等程式設計 資料結構 程式設計 ( 一 )( 二 ) Software 計算機網路 計算機結構 數位系統 普通物理 電子電路學 Math 計算機概論 Hardware

Preface 4 Beginning computer science students need exposure to the breadth of the subject in which they are planning to major. 4 A foundation from which they can understand the relevance and interrelationships of future courses.

Introduction 4 Computer science is the discipline that seeks to build a scientific foundation for a variety of topics. 4 Computer science provides the underpinnings for today’s computer applications as well as the foundations for tomorrow’s applications.

The Study of Algorithms 4 An algorithm is a set of steps that defines how a task is performed. 4 In the domain of computing machinery, algorithms are represented as programs within computers. 4 Algorithms + Data Structure -> Programs, Programs -> Software Hardware.

The Study of Algorithms 4 The study of algorithms began as a subject in mathematics. 4 The major goal is to find a single set of directions that described how any problem of a particular type could be solved. 4 E.g., the long division algorithm and the Euclidean algorithm.

The Study of Algorithms 4 Machine Architecture -. Data storage (Ch. 1). Data manipulation (Ch. 2) 4 Software -. Operating systems and networks (Ch. 3). Algorithms (Ch. 4). Programming languages (Ch. 5). Software engineering (Ch. 6) 4 Data Organization -. Data structures (Ch. 7). File structures (Ch. 8). Database structures (Ch. 9) 4 AI and Theory of Computation

The Development of Algorithmic Machines 4 Abacus. 4 Babbage’s difference engine. 4 Jacquard’s loom. 4 Herman Hollerith (holes in paper cards). 4 Mark I at Harvard University. 4 ENIAC at U. of Pennsylvania.

The Evolution of Computer Science Algorithms Limitations of Execution of Analysis of Communication of Discovery of Representation of

The Evolution of Computer Science Algorithms Hardware Software Languages Applications

Abstraction and Other Issues 4 Abstraction - the distinction between the external properties of a component and the internal details of the component’s construction. 4 Ethical issues. 4 Social issues. 4 Legal issues.