Parkside M.S. Announcements Monday January 6, 2014 Panther Day
Announcements Rachel’s First Five Monday’s good deed for the week: New year, new things; make an effort this week to start a NEW FRIENDSHIP. You don’t need a best friend, but a friend to someone new.
Announcements Girls Basketball is canceled for tonight Due to the severe drop in temperature we’re expecting.
Announcements Friends of Rachel (FOR) Club Will begin meeting on Thursday, January 9 th.
Announcements Panthers on the Prowl-Boys & Girls Club Students should report to the library immediately after school. Dismissed with car riders!!! Tuesdays: 6 th and 7 th grade (Kubler P-3, Kubler P-4, Polak P-2) & Thursdays: 8 th grade (Polak P-2, Polak P4&5).
Bus Lane C
Bus Lane B
Bus Lane A