Roman Government Ancient Rome
6.C&G.1 Understand the development of government in various civilizations, societies and regions. 6.C.1 Explain how the behaviors and practices of individuals and groups influenced societies, civilizations and regions. Essential Standards
o 6.C&G.1.1 Explain the origins and structures of various governmental systems (e.g., democracy, absolute monarchy and constitutional monarchy). o 6.C&G.1.2 Summarize the ideas that shaped political thought in various civilizations, societies and regions (e.g., divine right, equality, liberty, citizen participation and integration of religious principles). o 6.C.1.3 Summarize systems of social structure within various civilizations and societies over time (e.g., Roman class structure, Indian caste system and feudal, matrilineal and patrilineal societies). Clarifying Objectives
Essential Questions What government structure did Ancient Rome have? What are the POLITICAL THOUGHTS that shape a Republic? How did the Social Structure of Rome relate to their government?
Government is how decisions by a civilization would be decided There are government structures which is how a government is set up There are POLITIACAL THOUGHTS which are the ideas that government structures are based on Government
Government Structures…. ① Absolute Monarchy ② Constitutional Monarchy ③ Oligarchy ④ Democracy ⑤ Theocracy ⑥ Republic Political Thoughts…. Divine Right Equality Liberty Citizen Participation Religious Principles Government
Roman Governmen t mirrored the Roman Class System Emperor (Cesar) Senate Assembly Roman Government
Roman Government was called a Democratic Republic (Democracy) People were given the right to choose & make decisions like the Greeks There were a couple of differences though Republic Democracy
Get with a partner and answer…. What government structure did Ancient Rome have? Essential Questions
Roman Democratic Republic also had checks & balances system Checks & balances systems are made so one man cannot get too MUCH POWER of the whole government They usually include 2 people being in power, short terms, or the power to veto (over ride laws that are not fair) Checks & Balances
The Roman Republic Democracy held the same Political Thoughts as a normal Democracy They believed in Equality Civic Participation Liberty Political Thought
Get with a partner and answer…. What are the POLITICAL THOUGHTS that shape a Republic? Essential Questions
Emperor of Rome was the leader of it’s government The Emperor was seen as a god & worshiped by the people as a god Emperor (Cesar)
Consul was like the vice president of the Roman Government System Consuls were chosen by the Assembly They made almost all the decisions & the only decisions they didn’t make were the ones the Emperor vetoed (over ride) Consul
There were 2 Consuls that shared power This is so one person couldn’t have all the power Consul
Roman Senate consisted of 300 members that would make the laws Senators were chosen every year by the Consul They were elected for life to the Senate They were in charge of how Rome’s money was spent Enforced the paying of taxes by all Roman citizens Roman Senate
Roman Assembly included Plebeians The Assembly would assemble in the Roman Forum to discuss laws that were not fair to the Plebeians (common people) Roman Assembly also got to select who the new Consuls were every year Roman Assembly (Common People)
The leader of the commoners that were members of the Assembly was called the TRIBUNE The tribune had the power to veto unfair laws He also had the power to call the Senate to meet to make laws that were fair to the Plebeians (commoners) Tribune
The ability to select the new Consuls every year from the Senate gave the Assembly a lot of power Senators that wanted to be Consuls the next year would make sure the common people of the Assembly got their way Power to the People
Roman Government was a Republic There were 2 Consuls 300 Senators Assembly Members It had a checks and balances system from the Consul to the Senate to the Assembly Summary of Roman Government
Roman government & social structure worked together To hold high spots in the Roman Government you had to be HIGH CLASS This meant you had to be either a Consul or Senator Depending on your SOCIAL STATUS you could hold certain spots in government Government & Social Structure
Get with a partner and answer…. How did the Social Structure of Rome relate to their government? Essential Questions
o 6.C&G.1.1 (Government Structure) The Roman Republic was a DEMOCRACY o 6.C&G.1.2 (Political Thoughts) The political thoughts of the Romans were the same for all Democracies. They centered around EQUALITY, LIBERTY, CIVIC PARTICIPATION o 6.C.1.3 (Social Structure) Roman Government worked very closely with Roman Class System. You could only achieve high places in government if you were a member of the HIGH CLASS Important Points