E-portfolio – Phase 1 Grading Zero - No submission Fail - Does not meet minimal criteria (professional photo, resume, career interest and aspirations, academic information, personal interest/service work/favorite links) Pass - Meets minimal criteria Pass-High- Exceeds minimal criteria (use of plugins/widgets, pictures, youtubes, additional functionality)
Assignment # 2 SAP Due November 7 th NO LATE SUBMISSIONS - The assignment is due at the START of class Grading: Missing/Late: 0 pts, Fail: 16 pts, Pass: 32 pts, Pass High: 40 pts All important documents are located on the class blog on the assignments page
SAP Information Complete the sales and procurement exercises Complete the questions regarding the exercises in the document titled SAP-Project 2. These questions should be printed and submitted in class on November 7 th. The document titled SAP Project Supplement provides information on how students can log onto the SAP server The SAP Procurement & Sales exercises are located in the appendix of the Kroenke book and are also posted on the assignment page as a pdf.
Log-In Information Go to to access SAPhttp://ucc.uwm.edu/Public/ITS.aspx Open the correct exercise (System: GB3 Description: IBM SAP ERP UCC 6.04 GLOBAL BIKE 1.00 ) Student’s USER ID is posted in the grade book All student passwords are 2101pass. Students will be able to change their password after they first log-in. Any Questions? Look through the supplement document BEFORE sending any s. If your question is addressed in this document your will not be answered.
Look for….. System: GB3 Description: IBM SAP ERP UCC 6.04 GLOBAL BIKE 1.00
SAP Help Desk Starting on Tuesday October 29 th, 2013 until November 13 th, 2013 there will be TA’s in the computer labs on the 6 th floor of Alter who will be helping students with the SAP project The schedule for the Help Desk will be posted on the class blog on the assignments page
TA Information & Office Hours David Dupell Office Hours: MW 1:00PM-2:30PM Speakman 205D Additional Hours: Please refer to the SAP Help Desk schedule posted on the community site