RPC tasks and manpower P. Paolucci
DPG Not covered tasks 7/12/10RPC IB - Pigi Paolucci2 DPG 2011 (FTE)2012 (FTE) WBM0.70.3Berzano* + ? Offline DB1.00.5? DCS0.70.3? Upgrade Sim0.5 ? Run quality0.50.3? Detector perf.22Calabria + ? Trigger perf.22Warsaw + ? DQM11A. Cimmino + ? Noise S. Costantini + ?
TC covered tasks 7/12/10RPC IB - Pigi Paolucci3 DPG 2011 (FTE)2012 (FTE) TCBuontempo RB1.0 Anton RE1.0 Hassan Gas0.5 Luigi Cooling0.3 Ian Trigger22Karol + ? Electronic0.4 Pigi + ? DB ? Test Beam ?
2011 Manpower Korea Univ: Taejong (70%), Mee Hee Cho (50%), Hyung Chul Kim (30%) SKK Univ: Chandigar: Mumbai BARC: Pavia: Vitulo China: Sofia Univ: Litov, Dimitrov, Pavlov, Petkov, Hadjiisk INRNE: Stoianov, Genchev, Sultanov Egypt: Ghent: Tytgat, Costantini, Cimmino, Zaganidis, Phd Napoli: Buontempo, Paolucci, Carrillo, Fabozzi LNF: Benussi, Piccolo, Bianco, Caponero, Felli, Saviano Uniandes: Ocampo, Gomez (Phd new), Phd ? Pakistan: Horani, Shahzad Brussels: Van Doninck, Luc Van Lancker Bari: Pugliese, Iaselli, Maggi, Colaleo, Calabria, Lusito, Abbrescia, Nuzzo 7/12/10RPC IB - Pigi Paolucci4
Steering Committee I would like to introduce the concept of having a steering committee to solve, for ever, open questions and/or important issues. Two Steering Committees proposed at RPC CW: Run quality criteria (M. Maggi, D. Piccolo, A. Cimmino, Taejong) Endcap efficiency studies (D. Piccolo, A. Colaleo, M. Abbrescia, Hassan, C. Carrillo, C. Calabria) Requirements and goals at the first DPG meeting in Jan. Be-weekly Report at PDG Deadline (report) for March CMS week 7/12/10RPC IB - Pigi Paolucci5
Conclusions Tasks A tasks table, similar to the PDG table, will be provided by TC, RC and Upgrade as soon as possible. We do have few important tasks not covered. I would like to ask the RPC Institution to make a big effort trying to cover all before end of January 2011 Ill present the final list at the next MB (Feb 2011) Ill ask CMS to look for new Institutions joining the RPC project (under discussion) Manpower Many Institution already sent to me the list of people in the RPC (percentage), the one resident at CERN and their interests. Pavia, Chandigar, BARC and SKK will be contacted asap 7/12/10RPC IB - Pigi Paolucci6