Contents Page 2 Language arts inside the classroom Page 3 Mathematics at a glance Page 4 December Art Page 5 Science Page 6-8 Appendix
Students have completed their Dragon and Princess stories. Please see the appendix. The class has been hard at work on their second stories for our Writers Workshop I encourage parents to ensure that their child is studying for the weekly spelling test Signing the agenda daily will help ensure parent-teacher communication Winter homework will consist of Reading Comprehension for the FSA test. Please practice the sample test on the website and help your child with the readings.
Mathematics Fractions and Multiplication Students this month have been hard at work in understanding Fractions and Multiplication We should continue to strive to have full participation in the sample test provided on the class website. Students completed an assessment on Unit 5 and results will be forthcoming soon. However, some students do need to finish their math homework. I encourage parents to check agendas daily.
December Art Please find samples in the appendix This month we finished Christmas trees in time for the winter holiday
Grade 4A has been hard at work in furthering their understanding of weather and its related phenomenon Students have a good understanding of basic terms such as condensation, precipitation and temperature In class we have been completing experiments about weather and insulation We have also created a tornado in a jar. Students learned about the different types of motion and weather phenomenon that created the tornado.
Christmas Trees 4A
Dragon Princess Stories