The importance of DIVERSITY by: Bridget Murphy
What is Diversity? Definition: 1: differing from one another 2: composed of distinct or unlike elements or qualities
Dimensions of Diversity Primary dimension Age Ethnicity Gender Physical abilities/qualities Race Sexual orientation Secondary dimension educational background geographic location income marital status military experience parental status religious beliefs work experiences
Diversity within URI URI students hail from 42 U.S. territories and the District of Columbia and 57 countries. 65.8% of URI students come from Rhode Island (Followed by Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut, and New York). On average, URI degree-seeking undergraduates are 21 years old (9 percent are 25 or older) The most popular undergraduate major is Nursing - followed by Communication Studies, Psychology, Kinesiology, Human Development & Family Studies, Textile Fashion Merchandise & Design, and Bio Sciences. 55 percent of 2010 freshmen are Rhode Islanders. 63 percent of 2010 degree-seeking undergraduates are Rhode Islanders. About 15% of URI female undergraduate student join sororities and 15% male undergraduate students join fraternities. More than one half of URI freshmen (54%) live in the residence halls.
If we could shrink the earth’s population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like this: rSDhlnm0e0&feature=related
61 Asians 11 Europeans 5 North Americans 9 Latin or South Americans 14 Africans 50 would be female, 50 would be male
6 people would possess 59 % of the entire world’s wealth and all 6 would be from the United States 80 would live in substandard housing 50 would suffer from malnutrition 12 would have a disability 18 would have cars 1 would be near death 2 would be near birth 12 would own a computer 7 would have access to the internet 53 would live on less than $2/day 18 would be unable to read or write 33 would have a cell phone 1 would have a college education 24 would have no electricity 76 would have electricity and most would use it only at night 82 would be non-white 18 would be white 33 would be Christian 20 would be Muslim 13 would be Hindus 6 would be Buddhists 2 would be Atheists 12 would be non-religious 14 would be from other religions 33 would not have access to a safe water supply 63 would have inadequate sanitation 89 would be heterosexual 11 would be homosexual
Diversity Name Game Write your first, middle, and last name on the board Tell the story behind each name -Is there a meaning behind each name? -Where did each name come from? How does your name relate to your heritage? (Please elaborate! Stories are welcome )
Diversity Week Presentations Make sure to sign up and attend a diversity week presentation! (it is part of your grade, and it broadens your perspective) I am attending Rhode Island and the Slave Trade: Bringing History to Life -Multicultural center room 005 -Thursday Oct. 6 th -12:30-1:45pm Come join me if you’d like!