The clinical research of early diagnosis and ultimately the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease 許一仁 董冠廷 詹鎮遠 陳柏廷
Dementia Suffers memory difficulty Can’t feed or dress themselves Can’t recognize the person sitting next to them have been their spouse for thirty or forty years
Dementia Unfortunately, this is the stage where we are typically doing our clinical trials. There’s already been years of irreversible brain damage.
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) MCI = prodromo(?) Alzheimer’s Not all will progress to Alzheimer’s disease A significant risk factor, and 15 percent of them will move toward Alzheimer dementia every year
Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) Have already started to do clinical trials at this stage of disease However, even mild cognitive impairment might still be too late
The Amyloid plaques We already know that Amyloid must play an important role in Alzheimer’s disease because the genetics drives us this way. Unfortunately we don’t have all the answers.
Why would one want to detect and find out that one’s gonna get Alzheimer’s Disease ten or twenty years before they do when there’s nothing we can do about it? Look at other diseases: cancer, cardiovascular disease, HIV-AIDS, diabetes, osteoporosis, stroke We have successes when we treat before we can see symptoms.