ASAS in ATC Domain plans ADAS Initiative Dragos TONEA Eurocontrol Glasgow,13 th of September 2006 European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation
ADAS Profile Name: Mission: A.D.A.S. Who: To investigate and develop ASAS applications beyond Package 1 Develop air-ground and air-air data-link services Advanced Datalink and Airborne Surveillance Applications (ADAS) Eurocontrol - ATC Domain
The purpose of this presentation What we want to do How ADAS fits in the European and global context How we intend to do it A.D.A.S. Name: Mission: A.D.A.S. To investigate and develop ASAS applications beyond Package 1 Advanced Datalink and Airborne Surveillance (ADAS) A.D.A.S. Eurocontrol - ATC Domain Who:
Overall operational concept Any future development of airborne surveillance or datalink will take place within the context of the overall operational concept We do not want to be technology driven, with unclear link to operational needs or desires… …but acknowledge that for ATC to improve, changes must be made to today’s ATM system Eurocontrol SESAR NGATS C-ATM ICAO
Building on Package 1 We build upon what CASCADE (and the RFG etc) are doing to implement Package 1 Eurocontrol stakeholders from the ODT have endorsed this activity, and are happy to see continuity from Package 1
AS in the ATC roadmap Airborne separation
The purpose of this presentation What we want to do How ADAS fits in the European and global context How we intend to do it
Work breakdown
Key Deliverables (1) Concept of Use Airborne separation – white paper Definition of Airborne Separation applications (ASEP)
Concept of Use for Airborne Surveillance Backbone of how ASAS applications are going to be integrated in the future ATM system Aim is to get global buy-in Creating a smooth transition between Package 1 applications to more advanced applications Co-ordination with CASCADE on applications part of its portfolio Co-ordination with FAA Initial focus on terminal areas but other domains will follow (en- route, non-continental, surface)
Key Deliverables (2) Concept of Use Airborne separation – white paper Definition of Airborne Separation applications (ASEP)
Issues Airborne Separation – white paper Operational need for airborne separation applications? Responsibility for separation provision? Intervention? (in case of non-nominal and nominal situations) Derive airborne separation minima? Human factors? Systems and performance? Legal liability? There are others… To identify key actions to move development of airborne separation forward Objective
Key Deliverables (3) Concept of Use Airborne separation – white paper Definition of Airborne Separation applications (ASEP)
Airborne Separation applications Not targeted to a particular domain or environment Relevant to the overall ATM system The activity has started with a closer look at terminal area operations – other domains will follow (en-route, airport, non- continental)
Why ASEP-S&M? Necessary Beneficial Visionary
Global ASEP-S&M Clear path from legacy concepts in U.S. and Europe Relevant globally; building on current concepts of operation (Europe based on radar separation in approach; U.S. on visual separation in approach); leading to a common future concept (with airborne separation on approach taking elements of each current concept) Europe: Instrument-based approaches and radar separations USA: Visual separation on approach (in VMC) ASEP-S&M: Combining the best of both ‘worlds’
Environment considerations for ASEP-S&M PRNAV Datalink ADS-B/WAM AMAN
Operational concept for ASEP-S&M Work is on-going developing high level operational requirements, and scoping the application For example, in which dimension should the airborne separation apply – laterally, longitudinally and/or vertically? More details on this application can be found in the draft OSED v0.1 to be distributed to European stakeholders (ODT) in November
The purpose of this presentation What we want to do How ADAS fits in the European and global context How we intend to do it
Concept development lifecycle Initial concept development and validation of operational requirements Concept integration; feedback into wider operational concepts Standardisation Implementation
How (2) Operationally driven team We want to coordinate and cooperate with all interested parties globally Actively engaging Eurocontrol stakeholders and professional organisations We will use: Eurocontrol stakeholders (ODT) FAA/Eurocontrol common actions plans(AP23) ASAS-TN2
Conclusion A.D.A.S. Conclusions: A.D.A.S.
Conclusion A.D.A.S. Conclusions: Development beyond Package 1 has started We are taking a pragmatic approach to the next steps and encourage global participation to be early and tangible The outcome of the ADAS work will be a solution integrated with overall ATM system developments ADAS is now the European focal point for advanced AS applications (Package 2) – will act as an integrator for European ASAS developments post- Package 1