Something to think about: Live until you die 1 Tomorrow: How to win friends
Something to think about: Praise in public, condemn in private. 2 Tomorrow: Think about this when you want to criticize.
Something to think about: Any fool can condemn and criticize, and most fools do. 3 Tomorrow: Give a person this and they will generally do what you want.
Something to think about: Give a person a good name and he will live up to it. 4 Tomorrow: Think about this before you speak.
Something to think about: Before you speak – ◦ Think, “Would I want that said to me? 5 Tomorrow: What stays with you until you die?
Something to think about: There are ex-lovers, ex-spouses, ex-football players, but never ex-parents. 6 Tomorrow: How to avoid making enemies.
Something to think about: Think before you speak. 7 Tomorrow: Dealing with people that frustrate you.
Something to think about: Be nice … that person also has problems. 8 Tomorrow: What comes first?
Something to think about: Family first! 9 Tomorrow: What are your priorities?
Something to think about: People first - then money – then things. 10 Tomorrow: What is better than sex?
Something to think about: A humid kiss is better than a hurried coitus. The Kamasutra 11 Tomorrow: How do you get love to bloom?
Something to think about: Love is a flower – it must be cared for to bloom. 12 Tomorrow: What do you need to do to grow?
Something to think about: Challenge yourself 13 Tomorrow: How to avoid feeling bad about yourself.
Something to think about: When you make a mistake, give yourself an easy sentence 14 Tomorrow: Why should you make mistakes?
Something to think about: He who makes no mistakes makes nothing 15 Tomorrow: How Much should you risk?
Something to think about: Risk only what you can afford to lose 16 Tomorrow: What should you see on everybody’s forehead?
Something to think about: Everyone has a sign on their forehead: MAKE ME FEEL IMPORTANT! 17 Tomorrow: When something bad happens, what is the most important thing?
Something to think about: It is not what happens to you that is important, it is how you think about it. 18 Tomorrow: Why is what you say important?
Something to think about: Once said, it can never be taken back 19 Tomorrow: What is the most important thing people will remember?
Something to think about: People will forget what you did, they will forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. 20 Tomorrow: How can you make progress in life?
Something to think about: Be a turtle – it never makes progress unless it sticks its neck out. 21 Tomorrow: How to be honest.
Something to think about: Live your life so you never need to lie. 22 Tomorrow: How to be financially sound.
Something to think about: Save first – then buy 23 Tomorrow: How do you build integrity?
Something to think about: Do what you say you will do – or do not say it. 24 Tomorrow: What is an easy way to avoid getting into trouble?
Something to think about: Remember: and internet are forever 25 Tomorrow: How to become a multimillionnaire.
Something to think about: Think different! Steve Jobs 26 There is no tomorrow, only today.