01-05 October 2007 Heppenheim, Germany eb - 1 SMWG Closing Plenary Report Fall 2007 Meeting Erik Barkley 5 October 2007
01-05 October 2007 Heppenheim, Germany eb - 2 Contents 1.Goals for Fall 2007 Heppenheim Meetings 2.Summary of achievement/decisions 3.Deliverables status 4.Workplan for next ~6 months
01-05 October 2007 Heppenheim, Germany eb - 3 Meeting Goals Check status of Red-1 RID completions Review updates produced to date for Red-2 Determine if Red-2 December 2007 date can be maintained Achieve agreement on plans for prototype interoperations Develop Work plans for production of Red-2 and Green Book
01-05 October 2007 Heppenheim, Germany eb - 4 Red-1 RID Status Check Accepted RIDS requiring update to RED book reviewed ~81 % of the 361 RIDs submitted have been closed Estimated effort of < 2 man weeks needed to close remaining RIDs
01-05 October 2007 Heppenheim, Germany eb - 5 Review of Updates for Red-2 Section 5 significant items –Identified parameters for multi-leg tune-in (sweep) parameters for forward carrier of Space Link Session Profile See M. Dugast’s presentation Section 4 significant items –Revised semantics and data set structuring for antenna selection parameters State Tables review –Agreed that Red-2 will include multiple state tables Document exchange protocol Service Package life cycle Referenced information entity life cycle (e.g., space link session profile) –Requirements on CM need to include automatic removal of references when service package completes execution –Note that terminal state still contains valid service package Id in the sense that the Id can not be “recycled”
01-05 October 2007 Heppenheim, Germany eb - 6 Red-2 Production Planning Appears that Red-2 can be submitted to secretariat’s office, via –Deferral of Trajectory Prediction section updates –Addition of manpower (Fred Brosi, NASA/GST) to provide needed updates to section 7 –Careful assessment of remaining work to be done
01-05 October 2007 Heppenheim, Germany eb - 7 Prototype Interoperations JAXA/JPL –JPL Prototype ready for service management interactions –JAXA prototype has begun interaction with JPL prototype –Shadow tracking requires appropriate paper work to be approved for both JAXA and JPL (for JAXA ALOS mission) Additional PCM/PSK-PM modulation option to be used in (local) XML Schema extension Xml encryption agreed to for securing service management interface Shadow tracking demonstrations tentatively scheduled for January 2008 –Prototype activity has revealed that SA does not capture identification of transfer service conformance (e.g, SLE Blue-1 vs., SLE Blue-2) ESA/JPL –Estimated date of service management interactions with JPL prototype tentatively scheduled for late March/early April 2008 time frame
01-05 October 2007 Heppenheim, Germany eb - 8 Green Book Production Planning Identified items of work for Green Book production –Update reference framework diagram –Update high-level class diagrams –Address off-line data storage/retrieval –Address proposed service package –Address multi-center trajectory references Anthony Crowson (ESA/Vega) is the “Book Boss”
01-05 October 2007 Heppenheim, Germany eb - 9 Overall SMWG Status with respect to status of deliverables Service Management Recommendation Red-2 1 st Priority Current projection for submission of Red-2 to secretariat is December 2007 – ~70% of overall work required for Red-2 completed – Considered OK, but no margin in terms of resources W3C XmlSchema2 nd PriorityOK; Schema updates to be sequenced after Red-2 updates At least two independently developed interoperable prototypes 2 nd PriorityPrototype activities are underway –JAXA/JPL need to coordinate with respect to formal paper work required relative to ALOS mission Green (Concept) Book3 rd Priority Current projection is that basic Green Book will be available in time for Red-2 Review –Considered OK, but no margin in terms of resources –Insufficient resources for producing advance use cases in document Best Practices Book4 th PriorityNo resources available
01-05 October 2007 Heppenheim, Germany eb - 10 SMWG Planning ActivityDate Concept (Green Book) December 07 Service Management Recommendation (Red-2) December 07 XML Schema (in conformance with Red 2) Spring 08 Prototype InteroperationsOngoing Service Management Recommendation (Blue, including management of Radiometric Services) December 08