CASE STUDY ; Ethiopia Advocacy Agenda: review of the family law in Benishangul
Identified Problems The family law condemns the following; Violation of human rights especially discrimination of women Men having powers even to purnish women Discrimination and stigmatisation Fueling polygamy Property succession; especially men taking up all the property.
Potential Stakeholders Regional government Federal government Human rights activitists Traditional leaders Local institutions
Position mapping of stakeholders Level of influencePosition OpposeNeutralSupportive High-Regional gov -traditional community leaders -Religious leaders -Federal government - Prime minister Medium- donors Low - Human rights activists - -CBOs/NGOs - Professional/ academia
Engaging stakeholders at different policy cycle Policy cycle Type of engagement InformConsultationPartnership Bargain Initiation-donor -Federal government -Regional government -activists/NGO -Regional gov -Federal gov -traditional leaders -donors -activists -professional/ academia - Regional gov - Federal gov - Traditional leaders Planning - Regional government - Traditional leaders - Federal government - Donors - Activists - Professional/aca demia - Regional gov - Traditional leaders Implemen tation - Religious leaders - Traditional leaders - Regional gov - Federal gov -Regional gov -traditional leaders M&E-donors -professional -activists