Value and Form This presentation was created following the Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia. Certain materials are included under the Fair Use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law. Further use of these materials and this presentation is restricted.
Value - is the degree of light and dark in a design. It is the contrast between black and white and all the tones in between. Value can be used with color as well as black and white. Contrast is the extreme changes between values.
All of the values in the value scale are represented in the drawing.
Form - is a 3-dimensional object having volume and thickness. It is the illusion of a 3-D effect that can be implied with the use of light and shading techniques.
Trompe L’oeil - is a French expression that literally means, “to fool the eye.” It is also a technique in which the artist paints or draws realistically in order to create the the optical illusion that the objects really exist.
William Harnett
J.D. Hillberry
Julian Beever- Trompe L’oeil Pavement Art