Ford Site Open Space Work Group An advisory group to the Ford Site Planning Task Force Meeting #1 June 30, 2010
The Ford Site Planning Task Force A 25-member citizen task force appointed by the Planning Commission Convened in 2007, its work is ongoing as topics arise Purpose of the task force: To prepare for consideration by the Planning Commission, City Council and Mayor a development framework for the site that represents a fitting legacy for the Ford Motor Company and City of Saint Paul. The recommended framework will guide land use, zoning and infrastructure decisions if the Ford site redevelops.
represents an increase to the City’s tax base; demonstrates financial feasibility & a market-based return for the property; provides for operation / maintenance costs within annual budget constraints; demonstrates environmental sustainability and compatibility with community & natural amenities; integrates with the physical neighborhood, fabric of the community, and existing street and infrastructure system; includes a mix and pattern of land uses that minimizes traffic impacts and encourages walking, biking, and transit use; is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan policies related to land use, transportation, housing, parks, and economic development. Task Force Charge: Create a development framework that: The Ford Site Planning Task Force
Organization – Ford Site Planning Process St. Paul Planning and Economic Development Ford Site Planning Task Force – Planning Commission Ford Open Space Work Group Interagency Technical Advisory Groups Ford Motor CompanyMayor’s Office / Ward 3 Office Other City Staff St. Paul Port Authority
Timeline – Ford Site Planning Process
Work Group Members: 1. Bill Klein 2. Tony Schertler 3. Shawn Bartsh 4. Gina Bonsignore 5. Jim Bricher 6. Whitney Clark 7. Bill Driver 8. Jay Gardner 9. Mike Hatting 10. Elliott Knetsch 11. Morgan Tamsky 12. Carrie Wasley Staff: Kathleen Anglo - Parks Merritt Clapp-Smith – PED Luis Pereira – PED Ford Site Open Space Work Group
Consulting Team: Hoisington Koegler Group Bruce Chamberlain Anna Claussen HR&A Danny Fuchs
Ford Site Open Space Work Group 7 month process6 scheduled meetings Purpose: Establish open space performance guidelines and funding strategies for the Ford site that will guide future redevelopment regardless of urban design or land use.
Ford Site Open Space Work Group Project Result: Ford Site Open Space Guidebook performance guidelines what type how much perform what functions adjacencies funding strategies magnitude of cost (capital & operations) magnitude of capture sources tools
Ford Site Open Space Work Group Anticipated Meeting Topics: #1 Project Orientation: June 30 #2 Set the Stage: September __ river parcel and bluff-top parcel recreation demands public funding parameters open space objectives #3 Explore the possibilities: October __ open space layers/functions preferred open space features #4 Determine a path: November __ funding strategies open space performance guidelines #5 Memorialize recommendations: December __ review draft guidebook document #6 Present findings: January __ present recommended guidebook to Ford Task Force
Ford Site Open Space Work Group Link to other efforts: Great River Park Master PlanPark System Vision & Facilities Plans
The Ford Site Scenarios #1 – Baseline Open Space – 23% of site 10 acres active 21 acres passive
The Ford Site Scenarios #2 – Mixed Use Light Industrial Open Space – 23% of site 10 acres active 21 acres passive
The Ford Site Scenarios #3 – Mixed Use Office / Institutional Open Space – 33% of site 14.4 acres active 30.2 acres passive
The Ford Site Scenarios #4 – Mixed Use Urban Village Open Space – 21% of site 15 acres active 11 acres passive
The Ford Site Scenarios #5 – Mixed Use Urban Transit Village Open Space – 49% of site 13.4 acres active 52.8 acres passive