Interactive Read Aloud *Turn and Talk *Text impressions *Rally Robin *Round Robin (using turn and talk model) *Story Cards
Turn and Talk Purpose: Engage students in text Increase speaking vocabulary and listening skills Collaborative thinking and sharing Non-threatening environment for students to share ideas Promote positive student relationships
Turn and Talk How to do it: Prior to using this strategy, it is necessary to take the time to model speaking and listening as a whole group Discuss what an individual does when they speak to another person Discuss what an individual does when they listen to another person Allow students to practice each role and give feedback to one another
Turn and Talk How to do it: During each of the strategies used for the read aloud, students may use this strategy to share ideas with a partner Anytime a question is asked, allow students “Think Time” to generate thoughtful responses Instead of sharing their ideas with the whole class, give them a few minutes to share responses with their neighbor
Turn and Talk Personal Thoughts and Notes Keep sharing time short, so that students stay engaged---too much time allows students to be off task Monitor students and point out positive interactions they make with one another
Text Impressions Purpose: Develop vocabulary Make connections between vocabulary and story structure Make predictions
Text Impressions How to do it: Find words in the text that would be essential for telling the main idea (10-15 words) ◦ Can be nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc… but be sure they are the exact words from the text being used just that day Put those words in a list in the order that they appear in the story Without showing students the cover of the book, show them the list of words
Text Impressions How to do it: Ask the students to create predictions about the story based on the list of words ◦ Encourage students to use as many words as possible in their prediction ◦ Be sure that they know that they are listed in the order that they will be presented in the text Allow a few students to share predictions
Text Impressions Extensions: Word Sorts ◦ prior to reading, students could be asked to sort words into categories (setting, character, plot, problem, solution, descriptive words, feeling words, verbs, etc…) Primary – may want to provide categories and allow students Upper grades – allow students to sort words and create their own categories
Text Impressions Extensions: Revisit Predictions – after reading, allow students to discuss first predictions and compare their first prediction to the actual events in the story Use word list to discuss: Genre, Author’s purpose, etc..
Text Impressions Personal Thoughts and Notes Taken: By not showing the cover, students are required to do more thinking and slow down while making predictions For chapter books and longer texts, only present words in the text for that day Can be used for nonfiction – focusing more on categorizing words into sorts
Rally Robin and Round Robin Purpose: Collaborative thinking Communication skills
Rally Robin How to do it: Begin reading the text Once the main characters and setting have been introduced, pose a question to the students that would generate multiple responses ◦ Examples What kind of character is the fox? How are the main characters similar? Different? Think of as many words as you can to describe the setting
Rally Robin How to do it: Allow the students “Think Time” – varies depending on age and group Ask students to “Turn and Talk” to a partner Students are to take turns “rallying” answers to the question one at a time without repeating any responses
Round Robin ( for “Turn and Talk”) How to do it: After several events occur in the story, stop reading and ask the students a thoughtful question about the text ◦ Examples: How would you finish the story? At what point did you begin to change your prediction? When did the author begin leaving clues about the story
Round Robin (for “Turn and Talk”) How to do it: Allow students “Think Time” to generate responses Instead of rallying responses, students give only one response to their partner ◦ Their responses will be more detailed than those from a “Rally Robin”
Rally Robin and Round Robin Personal Thoughts and Notes: By stopping throughout the story, the text becomes chunked and students can think more in-depth about a section of a story Chunking text also forces students to SLOW DOWN Could be used to teach many skills: cause and effect, characterization, setting, etc…
Story Cards Purpose: Comprehension Recall Higher Level Thinking
Story Cards How to do it: After reading, pass story cards out to partners and have each partner chose the same number of cards They will each take turns beginning the following process: Partner A – Reads the card Partner B – Answers the question Partner A- Responds to the answer Assure that both students have played the role of Partner A and Partner B at least once
Story Cards Personal Thoughts and Notes: Questions can be differentiated based on students’ individual needs Cards can contain questions pertaining to specific skill being targeted For primary students, story cards can be used as an extension activity in centers