W/H/S Problems and solutions
‘But now education is a ladder, and we expect every learner to climb as fast and as high as they are able.’
Think of it in terms of mastery v development. Warm: Allows for mastery of a task Scorching: Develops this mastery in the most challenging way Hot: Develops this mastery in a more independent way
W/H/S Think of it in terms of mastery v developmental Scorching: should be totally dependent on prior learning and having mastery of the previous two options. Scorching tasks should not be totally achievable straight away for all students. Warm should still have challenge! Crucially, all tasks should allow for developmental progress
What is W/H/S? W/H/S overall is the creation of three different routes by which the students can make progress. Students or teachers can choose which route to follow for the best outcomes.
Common mistakes in a nutshell! Warm: Write one paragraph about Othello Hot: Write two paragraphs about Othello Scorching: Write three paragraphs about Othello
W/H/S is not… …random …all/most/some in different colours …a way to cap progress for any student
Warm: model to your students! Assess a piece of work Group DIRT targets into W/H/S YOU direct students which to choose Students can then ‘progress’ to the next developmental stage Plan your lesson objective/key learning question Plan 3 different challenging routes to the same learning outcome Group students from the beginning of the lesson Plenary shows each students how they have made progress 1. 2.
Hot: introduce the element of choice! Introduce new skills/content or advanced skills/content Create 3 different ways to test the mastery of these skills/this content Allow students to choose which route they will attempt In the plenary, assess how successful they have been in mastering and developing their skills 3. Using teacher or self-assessment activity, students recap their targets/progress Students choose W/H/S task to match their own target/progress Student completes task and self- assesses Teacher marks and gives feedback and advice 4.
Scorching: freestyling! Introduce key learning question Provide three routes of development and challenge Students choose their route in groups or independently Students move through the rate of challenge in subsequent lessons at their own pace 5.
Warm: Complete a task which addresses mistakes or misconceptions in your assessed work Hot: Complete a task which develops the strengths of your work to a higher level Scorching: Complete a task which develops the strengths of your work and introduces some new skills or concepts 1. You direct the students based on targets from assessment
Warm: Using the support material, formulate an answer to the key learning question TEACHER GROUP Student A, B and C Hot: Using a selection of more difficult support material, formulate an answer to the key learning question Student D, E, F Scorching: Using less or more abstract material, formulate an answer to the key learning question Student G, H, I 2. Group them to complete the same task with different material
Warm: Attempt the new skills/content using a familiar routine or method Hot: Attempt the new skills/content using a more complicated method Scorching: Attempt the new skills/content through a new method 3. Create three different ways of mastering new material
Warm: Using your targets from the last lesson, complete an activity which tests and proves mastery of a previously unstable skill Hot: Using targets from the last lesson, complete an activity which proves mastery of a previously unstable skill Scorching: Using targets from last lesson, complete an activity which develops the previously mastered skill 4. You/they set the targets, they choose a route to prove they have met target
Warm: Respond to the Key Learning Question by…analysing Hot: Respond to the Key Learning question by…evaluating Scorching: Respond to the Key Learning Question by… creating …or justifying or suggesting or defending! 5. Students engage with a challenge, and choose how to meet it based on self-assessment of their skills
W/H/S Problems and solutions Lots of differentiation ideas on T&L portal!