ECO² Commission Report County/City Commissions Meeting April 18, 2005
Presented by: RoxAnne Miller Chair ECO² Commission
ECO² Commissioners RoxAnne Miller, Chair Sandra Shaw, Vice Chair Jim Roberts, Past Chair Rex Buchanan Mark Gonzales Larry McElwain John Pendleton Trudy Rice
ECO ² Work Plan: April 2004-April 2005 Provide organizational structure with leadership roles to each ECO ² Commissioner Develop a set of bylaws/operating procedure Move towards completion of Open Space and Industrial Work Groups Initiate the Implementation Work Group Expand Public Education and Outreach Program
ECO² HISTORY Original Group appointed in 2000 by Chamber of Commerce ECO² Committee appointed in 2003 by Douglas County Commission ECO² Commission formed by joint resolution adopted in spring of 2004 by City of Lawrence and Douglas County Commissions
ECO² Goal Develop a model plan with a large amount of community support for the development of industrial parks and open space in our community.
ECO² Planned Accomplishments Further develop the Open Space Plan Further develop the Industrial Space Plan Develop Implementation Plan Develop a set of bylaws Develop and Education/Outreach Plan Create a set of supporting maps Explore sources of short term and long term funding
Open Space Work Group Led by RoxAnne Miller Progressed on mapping process Began exploring evaluation/ranking criteria and formula
Industrial Space Work Group Led by Mark Gonzales Completed draft Industrial Space Plan Initiated mapping process Completed evaluation and ranking criteria and formula
Implementation Work Group Led by RoxAnne Miller Completed draft flow chart to demonstrate the process
Public Education and Outreach Led by Trudy Rice Announced meetings publicly Provided opportunity for a large sector of community members to be involved
Bylaws Work Group Led by Rex Buchanan Developed a set of bylaws and operation procedures
Complete draft of our plan including maps in a very concise and understandable form Engage in a very active public education and outreach program Identify and evaluate public funding mechanisms for implementation Cooperate on a short term demonstration project Future Plans for the ECO² Commission
ECO² Resources Individual volunteer support In-kind contributions from various organizations County/City funding