Understanding White Balance
So, what is it anyways? a way to “measure” the temperature of light & “balance” the colors
Well, why do it? Goal of a conventional photograph is to: –attain an ideal White Balance –white color is close to true, neutral white –all of the colors in your image are “true to life.”
Can I break the rules? In short…YES. But not until you’re a professional! JK…but seriously though, let’s master perfect WB before we cast crazy colors on our photos. I need proof that you understand.
Some things to consider… Your EYE matters!— adjusting WB gets personal Vital to adjust in camera Can be fixed/tweaked in Photoshop
Let’s get technical, technical…
Cameras Make WB Easy as Pie
‘FEW’…are we done yet? Photoshop allows us 1,634,357,246,773 ways to tweak white balance Moral of the story is: –Fix WB in your camera first Now, let’s learn what Photoshop has to offer.