LHC forward detectors EN/MEF roles & responsibilities MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010 A. L. Perrot- EN/MEF-LE.


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Presentation transcript:

LHC forward detectors EN/MEF roles & responsibilities MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010 A. L. Perrot- EN/MEF-LE

MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010A. L. Perrot Outline  My activities & responsibilities in MEF  Introduction to the LHC forward detectors  EN/MEF activities for the LHC forward detectors

 R2E project Engineer responsible for the R2E integration & implementation mitigation activities (shielding and relocation) MEF work package holder for R2E activities  LHC forward detectors project - LHC machine/experiments interface physicist - Technical coordinator - Safety supervisor (LHCf GLIMOS, until Oct safety delegate for ATLAS and CMS forward detectors) MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010A. L. Perrot My activities & responsibilities

MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010A. L. Perrot LHC forward detectors ATLAS Roman Pots will move until ~ 1.5 mm from the beam axis (beam:  y ~ 60  m,  x ~ 60  m,  *=2600 m) LHCf, BRAN, ATLAS ZDC, ALFA Point 5 Point 6 Point 7 Point 8 Point 1 Point 3.3 Point 3.2 Point 2 CMS Point 4 LHC-b ATLAS ALICE BRAN, CMS ZDC TOTEM BRAN, ALICE ZDC ATLAS Roman Pots (ALFA) around IP1 LHCf ATLAS ZDC BRAN TAN detectors Point 1 TAN detectors Point 5 HCAL BRAN ECAL CMS ZDC Roman pots TOTEM Roman Pots around IP5 TOTEM Roman Pots will move until ~ 1,3 mm from the beam axis (beam:  y=80  m,  x=30  m,  *=1540m) Thin window Secondary Vacuum Detector Bellow Vacuum Chamber Primary Vacuum Beam

MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010A. L. Perrot LHC forward detectors

MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010A. L. Perrot ALFA XRPA TOTEM XRP1 THE LHC EXPERIMENTAL INSERTIONS forward detectors projects taken in charge by MEF/LE LHCf & BRAN & ATLAS ZDC LHCf & BRAN & ATLAS ZDC ALFA XRPA CMS ZDC & BRAN CMS ZDC & BRAN TOTEM XRP1 ALICE ZDC TOTEM XRP3 TOTEM XRP3 ALICE ZDC Courtesy of Daniela

MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010A. L. Perrot TAN detectors June 2009 LHCf BRAN -ICBRAN-Sci IP1 ATLAS ZDC HCAL ATLAS ZDC ECAL

MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010A. L. Perrot LHCf Understanding high energy cosmic ray phenomena => (calibration of MC codes at eV (E lab. equiv of LHC) help to decide which model is best for MC simul. of HECR air showers) Understanding of the energy distribution of particles emitted in the very forward region of hadronic interactions LHCf will measure forward production spectra of photons and π° (and neutrons) Simulation atmospheric shower due to eV proton Purpose:

silicon layers scintillators tungsten layers scintillators tungsten layers scintillating fibers I P1 Detector #1 Detector #2 (RI132- left to IP1) (RI171- right to IP1) TAN Courtesy of LHCf Firenze team Courtesy of LHCf Nagoya team 1 detector in the TAN absorber on each side of Point 1 e.m. calorimeters with position sensitive layers LHCf

MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010A. L. Perrot LHCf

ATLAS Zero Degree Calorimeter ZDC detector: - tungsten/quartz-fibers layers - 2 calorimeter sections: EM and hadronic - 1 detect.= 1 mod. EM + 3 mod. Had Location: 1 detec. in each TANs around of IP1 Primary role : - event characterization in HI collisions - obs. neutral partic. produced in HI or pp collisions Secondary role: - luminosity measurement - beam tuning Quartz fibers EM moduleHad. module Courtesy of ATLAS/ZDc team MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010A. L. Perrot

ATLAS Zero Degree Calorimeter Installation in 2 phases without LHCf with LHCf MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010A. L. Perrot

ATLAS Zero Degree Calorimeter remote handling system Point 1 remote handling system March 2009

Beam RAte Neutrals monitor (BRAN) Role: monitor and optimise the LHC relative luminosity on a bunch by bunch basis (idea: utilising the very forward flux of secondaries from IP that are intercepted by the TAN) BRAN detector: - designed and built by Berkeley - work in collaboration with BE/BI - segmented, multi-gap, pressurized Ar-N 2 ionisation chamber (4 quadrants; 1 quadrant: 60 gaps of 0.5mm separated by 1mm thick Cu plates) Location: in both TANs on each side of IP1 and IP5 Courtesy of K. Chow- LBNL

Peel off caseRemove copper filler bars Detail of ionization chamber area BRAN – inside views Courtesy of K. Chow- LBNL

CMS Zero Degree Calorimeter Role: - Heavy ions physics studies (A+A, p+A and p+p collisions ) - L abs of p+p, p+A, A+A coll.,  tot of p+p and A+A coll., ZDC detector: - a tungsten plate/quartz fiber ribbon sandwich - 2 calorimeter sections: e.m. and hadronic -1 detect= 1 EM sect.+ 4 equal had. sect. Location: in both TANs on each side of IP5. Courtesy of CMS/ZDC team

MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010A. L. Perrot CMS Zero Degree Calorimeter ZDC hadronic module (inside view) ZDC hadronic module (ready for installation) ZDC hadronic module (inserted in the TAN slot)

MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010A. L. Perrot ALFA (Absolute Luminosity For Atlas) Role: L abs determination (meast. flux and angle of elastically scattered protons) Detectors: - inside the pots - scintillating fibers trackers Location: 2 stations (XRP1 & XRP2) on each side of about 240 m (RR13/17) 1station -> 2 pots; 1 detector/pot 1 ALFA station(2 pots) 1 pot Roman pot stations

MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010A. L. Perrot TOTEM (TOTal and Elastic Measurement) Role: study. elastic proton scattering and det.  tot Detectors: - roman pots= part of the TOTEM system (T1,T2 tracking telescopes in CMS cavern) - silicon detectors inside the roman pot Location: 2 stations (XRP1 & XRP3) on each side of IP5 RP unit pot

MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010A. L. Perrot Totem roman pots

MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010A. L. Perrot ALICE Zero Degree Calorimeter Role: HI physics study ZDC detectors: 2 calorimeters, ZN and ZP on a movable table; active material: quartz fibers ZN->spectator neutrons; between the two beam pipes of the recombination chamber. ZP->spectator protons; external to the outgoing beam. Location: installed on both sides of IP2

MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010A. L. Perrot Modifications of the LHC machine Point 1-TAN L sufficient shielding of the machine elements L> cm -2 s -1 : LHCf and/or the ATLAS ZDC =>replaced by Cu bars to avoid the quench of D2 Radio Protection requirement: remote manipulation of the detectors/Cu bars and underground storage in the machine tunnel. Point 2- ALICE ZDC modifications => to maximize the physics potential & assure efficient and safe operation. - recombination chamber modified to allow ZN insertion, - acceptance increase for ZP=> BPMSX circular aperture, upstream collimators internal aperture - amount of material reduced in front of ZN and ZP (4mm thin window on big circular chamber ) Big circular chamber in front of ALICE ZDC

MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010A. L. Perrot Point 5-TAN Idem Point 1 - TAN Point 5 - TOTEM - sector valves added close to the RP stations => decrease the distance on which the vacuum would have to be broken if RP is removed; - nominal collimation scheme: TCL collimator between the Q4 and Q5 to protect Q5. TCL open until L = cm -2 s -1 TCL will be closed as required by machine operation => reduce acceptance of 220m. L about cm -2 s -1, XRP1 removed and replaced by TCLP collimators to protect the RR and machine Dispersion Section Modifications of the LHC machine

MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010A. L. Perrot LPC Katy Julie Hubert Serge LE Daniela A. Laure SI André Castel C. Dechelette Victor Abou ABAINT Jean- Pierre Yvon J. Michel DC Samy MEF activities for the forward detectors (past & present) Activities Planning of all the activities linked to the services, detectors, RH inst. David Activities: - anticipate/solve technical & operational issues - detectors & services: integration, planning, installation & safety - optimisation of the detectors operation - anticipate/solve/ensure the safety and access issues -related documentation Activities: Cables instalation Piping inst. For BRAN & ALFA Gas supply for LHCf calib test Activities: Integration studies detectors, RH Activities: Integration into the LHC layout and documentation database (ECR, HWC). MEF workshop: Franck and his team

MEF group meeting, 24 th November 2010A. L. Perrot Thanks for your attention